Doom Wiki

Wolfenstein RPG is yet another of the games built on the Doom RPG engine. Below is the script from the game (for both the IOS and Mobile versions). The IOS version contains an extended script.

Raw Script (IOS version)

Pop Cul-ture_Pop Cul-ture:|High cul-ture and mass cul-ture can be seen as pop cul-ture. For high cul-ture to be-come part of pop cul-ture, it must be ac-cept-ed by the mas-ses…_Sa-cred Ro-mance 1_Sa-cred Ro-mance 1:|He met her eyes with fiery in-ten-si-ty as she qui-vered against his chest. As his need grew, her breath came in shal-low gasps for her de-sire over-pow-ered her sen-ses. The mo-ment cli-maxed as he picked her up and threw her onto the bed…_Com-plex Hu-man Emo-tions_Com-plex Hu-man Emo-tions:|The com-plex na-ture of hu-man emo-tions can be said to be the root of hap-pi-ness, or lack there-of. While a poor man can be hap-py and a rich man mis-er-a-ble, the op-po-site can also be true even if both men live un-der si-mi-lar cir-cum-stanc-es one man can be hap-py while the oth-er is mis-er-a-ble. It can be said that true hap-pi-ness can only be found with-in._Ge-ne-tics Pro-blem Sol-vers_Ge-ne-tics Pro-blem Sol-vers:|A com-plete dis-course of cell me-chan-ics, bac-ter-i-al and vi-ral ge-ne-tics, and bi-o-chem-is-try._Scraw-ny to Braw-ny_Scraw-ny to Braw-ny:|Build-ing mus-cle the na-tu-ral way -- LIFT WEIGHTS!_Mak-ing Beer 101_ Mak-ing Beer 101:|The ear-li-est known brew-ers were the Egyp-tians who made sim-ple beers with wild yeast._Blade Skills 101_Blade Skills 101:|A prac-ti-cal guide on how to throw a sharp blade like a pro. Grip a blade, any blade, by its han-dle, not the sharp edge else you may get cut or worse. Be-fore launch-ing the blade at your tar-get, do a pir-ou-ette and ba-lance at the end of a sin-gle turn to launch the blade less than 10 met-ers dis-tance. The more you ro-tate, the fur-ther the blade will go. Be care-ful when you do tri-ple or quad pir-ou-ettes be-cause your blade may get out of con-trol._Sa-cred Ro-mance 2_Sa-cred Ro-mance 2:|As her bo-soms pressed against him, his weight bore down on her. She searched for a mem-o-ry to keep her strong, above the de-sire that would drown her if she let it. 'GET OFF ME!' she cried. The sud-den ven-om in her voice was a shock even to her-self but it was like a slap to his face. 'Did you think I would for-get?' she whis-pered._The Oc-cult_The Oc-cult:|The Oc-cult and the un-dead have an un-sight-ly past to-geth-er. The dead, once brought back to life, are hard to put 6 feet un-der again. Old Nec-ro-man-cers have been sta-ted say-ing a shot to the head, ex-plo-sions, or fire work at stop-ping the crea-tures. Un-less, of course, they are fire de-mons… in that case, RUN!_Stay at Home Hus-band_Stay at Home Hus-band:|Are you too lazy to get a job? Or are you lucky enough to stay home while your wife brings home the ba-con… so you can play board games all day? Well, lazy or lucky, if you want to be a stay at home hus-band, be sure to get din-ner on the ta-ble when she comes home and do the laun-dry right. Try not to get re-placed by a youn-ger and pret-ti-er mo-del._Sa-cred Ro-mance 3_Sa-cred Ro-mance 3:|His hands en-cir-cled her waist and pow-er-ful arms brought her to him. There was noth-ing to say as those green hunt-er eyes bore into her soul. She was his but she could not give him the sat-is-fac-tion of know-ing it… he had hurt her too many times. This time, she would not yield. This time, her need for him would wane._Breath-ing for Birth-ing_Breath-ing for Birth-ing:|When in la-bor, re-mem-ber to in-hale through your nose and ex-hale through your mouth. A cleans-ing breath be-fore and af-ter each con-trac-tion is ex-treme-ly im-por-tant. Find a fo-cal point and fo-cus. This breath-ing will in-crease your con-cen-tra-tion and les-sen the pain dur-ing con-trac-tions._Sa-cred Ro-mance 4_Sa-cred Ro-mance 4:|'My life is yours. What else would you ask of me?' The hope-less-ness in his state-ment said more than ei-ther of them were wil-ling to ad-mit. He would not give her what she want-ed most. Their burn-ing de-sires were but can-dle-sticks in a tur-bu-lent sea and she had to let him go. 'Your life is not what I de-sire…' and with that she turned and left._Quick Body_Quick Body:|Get a to-tal body work-out in just 15 min-utes a day._Lead-er-ship Skills for the Fee-ble--mind-ed_Lead-er-ship Skills for the Fee-ble--mind-ed:|You good com-man-ding of-fi-cer. Sol-diers think you smart. You do good job tell-ing them stuff. "March there!" you say. They march. See? Now we get-ting some-where._Lead-er-ship Skills for the Fee-ble--mind-ed: 2nd Edi-tion_Lead-er-ship Skills for the Fee-ble--mind-ed: 2nd Edi-tion:|[Hand-writ-ten in-side the co-ver]|Kiefer, I hope you don't al-read-y have this book. You need it.|---Com-man-dant Bier-mann._From Boot to Pot: Poul-try for Place-kick-ers_From Boot to Pot: Poul-try for Place-kick-ers:|In-tro-duc-tion: This help-ful guide solves that age--old pro-blem of how to com-bine two of our fa-vor-ite pas-times: kick-ing things and eat-ing chi-cken._Sa-cred Ro-mance 5_Sa-cred Ro-mance 5:|How could this be hap-pe-ning? He had just found her, had res-cued her and now… he could-n't let her go. His 6'4" frame was agile and fast when it de-mand-ed it. As he rushed out the door to find her, he was in-ter-cept-ed by the Sage. Her an-cient lav-en-der eyes be-trayed a cun-ning that her de-cep-tive-ly young form did not. This was her do-ing and the fury with-in near-ly over-came him. 'WHAT DID YOU DO?' he de-mand-ed. He would get an an-swer one way or an-oth-er._Sa-cred Ro-mance 6_Sa-cred Ro-mance 6:|As he burned with feel-ings he rare-ly felt, it near-ly over-took his sen-ses. He had to stead-y his breath-ing, pace the beat of his heart… if he had to kill the Sage, he would do it. He would de-fy even his mas-ter. He would do it for her. He re-al-ized that this was how it had to be… how it was meant to be. As he re-mem-bered bits of his past, what he re-mem-bered most was that he could-n't lose her… he had just found her again and he could-n't let his mas-ter take her. He loved her. The Sage would talk._Sa-cred Ro-mance 7_Sa-cred Ro-mance 7:|He was in ag-o-ny. The Sage would nev-er lie. He had pre-cious mo-ments be-fore it was too late. As swift-ly as he nav-i-gat-ed the cor-ri-dors of the cas-tle, it didn't seem fast enough. It was a night-mare and his limbs felt trapped in mo-las-ses. He need-ed to run fas-ter. As he turned a cor-ner, the sight be-fore him near-ly crum-pled him. His mas-ter had her. His love was trapped in the arms of the fiend-ish crea-ture. He strug-gled to breathe, to fo-cus, to re-mem-ber who he was and who he had been. His mas-ter's fiery breath raked her sup-ple neck and she screamed in ag-o-ny. Strength surged through his body and with light-ing speed, he cross-ed the thresh-old to chal-lenge the beast. To chal-lenge his mas-ter._Sa-cred Ro-mance 8_Sa-cred Ro-mance 8:|'An-gel… you have done well.' the beast growled. 'You may have her when I am done, till then, watch as I sa-vor this mo-ment!' He re-mem-bered now. The flur-ry of mem-o-ries came rush-ing back. He was a fall-en an-gel who chose Abigale over Heav-en. That choice had left him with the fall-en, stripped of his mem-o-ry, but left with the burn-ing de-sire to be with Abigale. Abigale, head priest-ess of Val-or, had sworn her life to the du-ties her post de-mand-ed. Her duty de-mand-ed that she not fall in love with one of the fall-en. Both their sins were un-for-giv-a-ble… per-haps they could die in each oth-er's arms. An-gel spun with dead-ly force to-wards the mas-ter of the fall-en, sev-er-ing the beast's arm… Abigale was free._Prat-fall-ing For Dum-mies_Prat-fall-ing For Dum-mies:|Did you ever want to learn how to fall with-out hurt-ing your-self? Next time you trip down the stairs, you don't have to break your legs…_How to Dis-a-gree_How to Dis-a-gree:|Get-ting your point across with the gen-tle art of ver-bal self--de-fense._Agility Training_Agility Training:|Teach your-self to run fast-er, jump high-er, and dodge punch-es like cra-zy._Lock Pick-ing_Lock Pick-ing:|How to open locks with im-pro-vised tools. Learn prac-ti-cal, non--de-struc-tive ways of get-ting back into just about eve-ry-thing when you lose your keys._Duck Hunt-ing_Duck Hunt-ing:|The ul-ti-mate guide to call-ing and de-coy-ing wa-ter-fowl. Learn the best tips and tac-tics for hunt-ing ducks and geese._Hap-pi-ness Deep With-in_Hap-pi-ness Deep With-in:|Take a deep breath… now take an-other. Your life is noth-ing and you know it. The only thing you look for-ward to eve-ry day is go-ing home and rev-el-ing in your own self pit-y. Just think that you are hap-py and you will be… I guess. Now go cry your-self to sleep._Con-trol-ling your Chi_Con-trol-ling your Chi:|You are one with your-self, one with eve-ry-thing sur-round-ing you. Feel the en-er-gy surg-ing through you. Fo-cus on that en-er-gy and use it._Elli's Journal_Elli's Journal:|Today I leave my fa-ther to jour-ney into the heart of Areth. I fear that my de-par-ture will be more dif-fi-cult for him than me… I can see the worry behind his eyes. He will not stop me, but he will brood and worry. I must learn what it is to be an ad-ven-tur-er and I must do it alone, but I am glad that Ellon will be at hand. He is a strange wand but good com-pa-ny._TALK|Touch the play area to talk to char-ac-ters with chat bub-bles._LOCKED OB-JECT|Un-lock locked doors with a key. Find the cor-rect key to this door._BAR-RI-CADE|Smash it with your boot, or use an ex-plo-sive item._CRATE|Break open crates to get the con-tents._MIX-ING STA-TION|Mix-ing Sta-tions are stocked with in-gre-dients. Use the Mix-ing Sta-tions to fill up emp-ty sy-rin-ges and cre-ate new cock-tails._FOOD|Food in-stant-ly re-stores some health._NOTE|You made a jour-nal en-try. Touch the left switch then se-lect Jour-nal to read._OB-STA-CLE|Smash it with your boot._DOOR|Touch a door to open a door. Some doors must be un-locked with a key be-fore you can open them._WEAP-ON SE-LEC-TION|Use key 7 or * to cy-cle weap-ons, or press MENU (key 0) then se-lect "In-ven-to-ry"._BAR-REL|Kick bar-rels to move them or shoot bar-rels for an ex-plo-sion._US-A-BLE OB-JECT|Tear them out and toss them._AIR BUB-BLES|Un-der wa-ter, step on them to breathe more air._Health low!|Use a health pack or Num Num bar from your in-ven-to-ry._Health low!|Find health pack or Num Num bar, or chicken._Weap-on Mis-fire|You can only punch, kick or use dy-na-mite un-der wa-ter._I'm still alive!_You've fin-ished the game, bare-ly. There's still much to dis-co-ver._Alive and kick-ing_You got the job done, but we've seen bet-ter._Wan-na-be Blazkowicz_You did a good job._Blazkowicz wor-thy_Nice job! There's only one who can do bet-ter._Bad to the bone Blazkowicz_You are the best there is._Exit_Hit_Bribe_Play_To use, touch the shield area on the HUD to shortcut to the Sy-rin-ges. Alternatively press MENU (left switch) then se-lect "In-ven-to-ry" then "Sy-rin-ges"._To use, press MENU (left switch) then se-lect "In-ven-to-ry" then "Oth-er"._To view the not-es, touch the key area on the HUD. Alternatively press MENU (left switch) then se-lect "Jour-nal"._To use, touch the health area on the HUD to shortcut to the In-ven-to-ry. Alternatively press MENU (left switch) then se-lect "In-ven-to-ry"._Touch the weapon icon on the HUD to to bring up the weapon select menu. The weapons appear as a grid with the starter weapons nearer the bottom, and the advanced ones nearer the top. Touch a weapon to select it. Alternatively, press MENU (left switch) then se-lect "In-ven-to-ry"._%01 Stat-ue_We're sor-ry, an err-or has oc-curred. Please try start-ing the ap-pli-ca-tion again.\n\nEr-ror De-tails:\n %01_Game Saved_Game Load-ed_Skip_Load-ing…_En-ter_Con-tin-ue_Door is Locked_Turn Passed_Health at max-i-mum_Sor-ry!_Stop_Send Msg_De-tails_||_Load-ing Game_Menu_Leave_Help_Map_More_Pro-ces-sing…_Just a mo-ment!_Mon-ster is Im-mune!_Mon-ster stunned!_Last Shot!_1 Shot Left_%01 Shots Left_Out of Range!_%01 dodged!_%01 blocked!_Dodged!_Missed!_%01 missed!_Back At-tack! _Back At-tack!_Crit! _%01 dam-age!_De-flect-ed!_Weap-on De-flect-ed!_%01 took %02 dam-age and died!_%01 took %02 dam-age!_Ammo: _Base Dam-age: %01 \n_Ide-al Range: %01 -- %02 \n_Ide-al Range: %01 \n_De-flect: %01 \n_For more de-tails go to "Ar-mor Help" un-der the "Help" menu._It burns!_Can't hold more %01s._You got the key_Got %01_Got %01 %02._Ammo at max-i-mum_%01 flees!_%01 de-stroyed!_%01%02x %03|_%01%02|_%01's raise failed!_%01 rais-es %02!_%01 heals %02!_%01 fire dam-age!_%01 con-sumes a corpse!_%01 drinks from the pool of blood!_Touch the play area to Continue_Ammo_Health_Tar-get_Stat-us_Ef-fects_[Cur-rent Gold: %01]_Dis-ease caus-es %01 dam-age!_Lost %01 XP!_Gained %01 XP._LEV-EL UP: %01|_Max Health: %01|_De-fense: %01|_Strength: %01|_Ac-cu-ra-cy: %01|_Agi-li-ty: %01|_Health re-stored.|To see your stats press MENU (left switch) then se-lect "Stat-us"._Gained %01 health_%01 did %02 dam-age!_Near Death!_Low Health!_Out of Ammo!_Charging…_Out of Air!_Pain!_Found Se-cret!_Can-cel_Se-lect_ *hic*_0.1.3.en.lg8100_Build 01_BETA_PgUp_Mix-ing Sta-tion_Touch the syringe to mix_Touch the test tubes to add_Touch to continue_In-gre-dients:_x%01_Undo_Mix-ture Un-known_Emp-ty Mix-ing Sta-tion_Out of emp-ty sy-rin-ges._Cre-at-ed %01_ Con-tents:|_You Got:|_Re-flect-ed %01 dam-age!_You have lost the hand._You won the hand!_WAR_Cards are equal.|Go to WAR!|Press OK._You have won all of your op-po-nent's loot._You do not have enough loot to play again._You can-not play card games with-out loot._%01 Points!_%01/10 Kicked_Out of Bounds!|0 points._%01|High Scores_Your score: %01_# En-ter / * Back_Rank_Name_Score_1st_2nd_3rd_4th_5th_Chi-cken Kick-ing_Chi-cken Kick-ing|Com-plete!_Sy-rin-ges:_As Al-lied forces bom-bard Axis strong-holds and Al-lied vic-to-ry is close at hand, the Axis Par-a-nor-mal Div-i-sion ramps up ac-tiv-i-ty in a bid to de-stroy the world. The Of-fice of Se-cret Ac-tions has sent an elite force of Ran-gers into en-e-my ter-ri-to-ry to in-fil-trate and de-stroy the weap-ons known to be se-cre-ted away in-side the in-fam-ous Castle Wolf-en-stein. Ser-geant B.J. Blazkowicz, squad lead-er of the elite force, has been cap-tured. The where-a-bouts of the oth-ers are still un-known._BRIEFING|Orders are as follows:|The Axis has increased activities in their Special Weapons and Paranormal Division. Intelligence concludes the center of activity to be located within Castle Wolfenstein. Infiltrate Castle Wolfenstein, gather any intelligence and destroy weapons of mass destruction. If you are captured escape at all costs.||Standing Order #71 remains in effect:|If you or any of your agents are placed in a compromising position, the OSA will disavow any knowledge of your identity and involvement in this mission._A mon-strous roar is heard through-out the countryside, followed by a deafening thunderclap. Those who hear it cower in fear, though only a few un-der-stand the significance of the noise. Boots caked with blood and ash, a lone fi-gure walks through the bro-ken gates of Castle Wolf-en-stein and cringes when a thought occurs to him. As he moves to-wards the wait-ing res-cue plane, he wonders how he's go-ing to ex-plain this to the brass in Washington._ME-DAL AWARD-ED|Con-grat-u-la-tions, you have been award-ed the %01 me-dal!_No_Yes_Book: _Would you like to read %01?_%01 %02_[Re-ceived noth-ing of any use]_[Re-ceived %01 for %02 turns]_Pick a card:_Pick a card to fin-ish the WAR:_You are at WAR!|Pick a card to throw away:_Pick one more card to throw away:_De-stroyed %01 loot items_Make a bet! To move the bet-ting poin-ter, touch the up or down arrow icon.|Once a bet is placed, touch the play area to continue.||Cur-rent Bet: %01\%_Gunther's turn._Noth-ing of any use._Re-flec-tion_Pur-i-fy_Agi-li-ty_Re-gen-er-a-tion_De-fense_Strength_Evade_Fo-cus_An-ger_Anti--Fire_For-ti-tude_Fear_Air_Fire_Dis-ease_Drunk_Dizzy_In-suf-fi-cient Space.|Please de-lete|some files and|try again._Fists_Punch en-e-mies to loos-en their lips._Brass Knu-ckles_If they won't talk, knock their teeth out._Spiked Brass Knu-ckles_If they won't talk, pierce their tongue._Boot_Use your boot to kick en-e-mies and break de-struc-ti-ble ob-jects such as bar-ri-cades._Thomp-son_A sub-ma-chine gun with 2 shots per turn._Sten_A pow-er-ful sub-ma-chine gun with 3 shots per turn._Mau-ser_Mau-ser Ri-fle_A ba-sic sni-per ri-fle with lim-it-ed zoom fun-ction-al-i-ty. Touch the action area to enter SNI-PER MODE. Touch the weapon icon in the HUD to exit SNI-PER MODE. Once in sniper mode you can tilt the device to look around, and use the dial to zoom. To fire, touch the center of the scope._FG42_Par-a-troo-per Ri-fle_A sni-per ri-fle with mul-ti-ple fir-ing ca-pa-bil-i-ty with lim-it-ed zoom._Pan-zer-faust_A pow-er-ful ro-cket launch-er de-signed for mo-bi-li-ty._Dy-na-mite_Can be used to de-stroy dam-aged walls, en-e-mies, and oth-er de-struc-ti-ble ob-jects. Also try stick-ing it to mon-sters for a blast._Pis-tol_Ba-sic hand-gun that fires one round and does min-i-mal dam-age._Dual Pis-tols_Two ba-sic hand-guns; each fires one round per turn._Flame-throw-er_Flame Throw-er_De-struc-tive fire weap-on that will put en-e-mies ablaze for a few turns._Chain Gun_A dev-a-sta-ting-ly pow-er-ful heavy chain-gun that deals 4 shots per turn._Tes-la Gun_De-liver mill-ions of volts to near-by en-e-mies_Spear of Des-tin-y_A holy spear to de-stroy evil foes._Chi-cken Zap-per_Paint-ing_Spikes_Guard_Sol-dier_Par-a-troo-per_Wor-ker_Sci-en-tist_En-gi-neer_Ske-le-ton_Fire Ske-le-ton_Fire War-ri-or_Lieu-ten-ant_Cap-tain_Col-o-nel_Of-fi-cer_Pro-to-type_Rocket Sol-dier_Su-per Sol-dier_Troo-per_Flame Troo-per_Assault Troo-per_Chain Troo-per_Prime Guard_Special Guard_Elite Guard_Zom-bie_Mini Zom-bie War-ri-or_Zom-bie War-ri-or_Mega Zom-bie War-ri-or_Shriek-er_Tor-men-tor_Chi-cken_En-raged Chi-cken_Olaric_Marianna_Har-bing-er of Doom_Sil-ver Key_Key that un-locks sil-ver doors._Gold Key_Key that un-locks gold doors._Hel-met_Hel-met Ar-mor_Pro-vides pro-tec-tion from close and long--range as-saults._9mm Rounds_Am-mu-ni-tion for guns that use 9mm Rounds._12.7mm Rounds_Am-mu-ni-tion for guns that use 12.7mm Rounds._.30 Cal Rounds_Am-mu-ni-tion for guns that use 30 Cal-i-ber Rounds._.45 Cal Rounds_Am-mu-ni-tion for guns that use 45 Cal-i-ber Rounds._Fuel_Flame Throw-er Fuel_Na-palm mix-ture used as fuel for a Flame Throw-er._Ro-ckets_High ex-plo-sives that can be launched._Re-charge-a-ble Bat-ter-y__Scotch_Scotch Bot-tle_In-creases your me-lee dam-age and dam-age re-sis-tance by 16\% but low-ers your chance to hit your en-e-mies by 24\%. Lasts 30 turns._Pack_Wor-ker's Pack_A sim-ple pack full of tools._Evade_Evade Sy-ringe_In-creases your chance to dodge at-tacks by 20\% per in-jec-tion for 30 turns._De-fense_De-fense Sy-ringe_Low-ers dam-age done to you by 20\% per in-jec-tion for 30 turns._Adre-na-line_Adre-na-line Sy-ringe_In-creases the dam-age of all your me-lee at-tacks by 20\% per in-jec-tion for 30 turns._Fo-cus_Fo-cus Sy-ringe_In-creases your chance to hit your en-e-mies by 20\% per in-jec-tion for 30 turns._Anti--Fire_Fire Re-tar-dant Sy-ringe_Re-moves fire ef-fects and pro-tects against fire for 10 turns._En-rage_En-rage Sy-ringe_In-creases the dam-age of all your at-tacks by 100\% per in-jec-tion for 30 turns._Agi-li-ty _Agi-li-ty Sy-ringe_In-creas-es your speed -- move twice as fast as op-po-nents for 20 turns._For-ti-tude_For-ti-tude Sy-ringe_In-creases your max-i-mum health for 30 turns._Re-gen-er-a-tion_Re-gen-er-a-tion Sy-ringe_Re-gen-er-ates some of your health eve-ry turn for 30 turns._Pur-i-fy_Pur-i-fy Sy-ringe_Re-moves neg-a-tive ef-fects and in-creas-es your re-sis-tance to such ef-fects for 10 turns._Re-flec-tion_Re-flec-tion Sy-ringe_Re-flects five at-tacks back to the en-e-my. Lasts for 30 turns._Sol-dat_Su-per Sol-dier Sy-ringe_Low-ers dam-age done to you and in-creases the dam-age of all your me-lee at-tacks by 25\%. Also in-creases your max-i-mum health. Lasts 30 turns per in-jec-tion._Elite_Elite Guard Sy-ringe_In-creases your chance to dodge at-tacks and your chance to hit your en-e-mies by 25\%. Also in-creases your me-lee dam-age by 100\%. Lasts 30 turns per in-jec-tion._Fear_Fear Sy-ringe_You ap-pear hor-ri-ble and sick-ly, caus-ing fear in your en-e-mies for 6 turns._An-ger_An-ger Sy-ringe_In-creases the dam-age of all your at-tacks by 50\% per in-jec-tion for 30 turns._Mix-ing Sta-tion_Air Bub-bles_Alarm_Lev-er_Book-shelf_Book_Tomb-stone_Sar-co-pha-gus_Clip-board_Fire_Toi-let_Sink_Chair_Ta-ble_Ex-plo-sive Bar-rel_Crate_Bar-ri-cade_Un-locked Sil-ver Door_Locked Sil-ver Door_Un-locked Gold Door_Locked Gold Door_Locked Door_Un-locked Door_En-e-my Flag_Pick up this item to throw it at things._Stat-ue_Ar-mor-ed Stat-ue_Pri-son-er_Ci-vil-ian_Spy_Gunther_Num Num Bar_Gives you 20 health._Health Pack_Gives you 80 health._Roas-ted Chi-cken_Burnt Chi-cken_Exit_NONOBSPRITEWALL_SPRITEWALL_SECRET_SPRITEWALL_World_Jour-nal_Auto-mati-cal-ly keeps im-por-tant not-es._Gold Coins_Coin made of gold. _Gold Gob-let_Jew-el en-crus-ted gob-let made of gold._Gold Cross_Jew-el en-crus-ted cross made of gold._Gold Crown_Jew-el en-crus-ted crown made of gold._Emp-ty Sy-ringe_Can be used to store cock-tails made at a mix-ing sta-tion._|€€€€ CRE-DITS €€€€||Pro-duc-er|KATHERINE A. KANG||Pro-gram-ming|JOHN CARMACK|BRETT ESTABROOK|BENJAMIN LEWIS||De-sign|KATHERINE A. KANG|MATTHEW C. ROSS|KARINA SIMONS|JOHN BYNUM||Art-work|MATTHEW C. ROSS|ANDY CHANG|HENK NIEBORG||Mu-sic and Sound|MATTHEW C. ROSS|BILL BROWN|CHRISTIAN ANTKOW||||||||||Thanks for Play-ing!||_#HOW TO PLAY|Wolfenstein RPG is a turn--based game. Each action or movement takes one turn and turns alternate with enemies. Use the di-rec-tion-al arrows in the corner of the play area to move around the en-vi-ron-ment. Na-vi-gate men-us by touching menu buttons. Press the play area to talk, at-tack, and per-form oth-er ac-tions.||#OTH-ER|Touch BJ's head icon to pass/skip turn.|Touch left switch to open menu/back.|Touch right switch to view map._#HOW TO MOVE|To move forward touch the up arrow or finger swipe up.|To move backwards touch the down arrow or finger swipe down.|To turn left touch the left arrow.|To turn right touch the right arrow.|Swipe left/right to side-step left/right.||Moving forward/backward or side-stepping left/right will use one turn._#HOW TO AT-TACK|Touch the play area to attack/talk/use.|Touch the weapon icon in the HUD for next weap-on.|Touch and hold the weapon icon to bring up a menu of available weapons.|Touch BJ's head in the HUD to pass turn/skip.||Attacking will use one turn._#HEL-MET HELP|Hel-mets will ab-sorb a por-tion of dam-age from en-e-mies. On the HUD, the amount of dam-age the ar-mor can ab-sorb is shown next to the hel-met icon._#EF-FECTS LIST|| \A Re-flec-tion|| \B Pur-i-fy|| \C Agi-li-ty|| \D Re-gen-er-a-tion|| \E De-fense|| \F Adre-na-line|| \G Evade|| \H Fo-cus|| \I An-ger|| \J Anti--Fire|| \K For-ti-tude|| \L Fear|| \M Hold-ing Breath|| \N Fire|| \O Dis-ease|_#ITEM HELP|You will en-coun-ter food, am-mu-ni-tion, weap-ons, hel-mets, me-di-ca-tion, sy-rin-ges and oth-er items to aid your prog-ress in the game. These items may be viewed and used through the In-ven-to-ry menu. ||Us-ing an item takes one turn. Af-ter us-ing an item, if you are at-tacked, you'll re-turn to the game; oth-er-wise, you can stay in the menu and con-tin-ue to use items. ||#EF-FECTS|Item ef-fects can last a num-ber of turns. Ac-tive ef-fects are shown at the right--hand side of the dis-play, along with its re-main-ing turns._#SNI-PER RI-FLES|Touch the action area to enter SNI-PER MODE. Touch the weapon icon in the HUD to exit SNI-PER MODE.||Once in sniper mode you can tilt the device to look around, and use the dial to zoom.|To fire, touch the center of the scope._#WAR GAME HELP|First you bet a per-cen-tage of your trea-sure & gold. Then you must choose a card. Then Gun-ther will choose a card. The per-son with the high-est val-ued card wins the pot. If the chos-en cards have the same val-ue, you must go into WAR. Dur-ing WAR, six cards are dealt. Four cards must be thrown away. You and Gun-ther take turns choos-ing cards to throw away. Upon reach-ing the fin-al two cards, you must chose one, and Gun-ther choos-es the last. The own-er of the high-est card wins. In the event of an-oth-er tie, an-oth-er round of WAR en-sues._#CHICKEN KICKING|There are 10 chi-ckens per game. Each cub-by is worth a cer-tain amount of points. Kick a chi-cken into a cub-by and try to max-i-mize your score by aim-ing for the cen-ter cub-by. Press OK to start your kick. Press OK again to set the di-rec-tion you'd like to kick the chi-cken. Press OK again to set the dis-tance._Wolf-en-stein RPG™ © 2009 Id Software, Inc. All Rights Re-served. Wolf-en-stein, Wolf-en-stein RPG, and ID are trade-marks or reg-is-tered trade-marks of Id Software, Inc. in the Unit-ed States and/or oth-er coun-tries.||Dis-tri-bu-ted by Elec-tron-ic Arts Inc. un-der li-cense from Id Software, Inc. EA and the EA logo are trade-marks or reg-is-tered trade-marks of Elec-tron-ic Arts Inc. in the Unit-ed States and/or oth-er coun-tries.||Cust-o-mer ser-vice: Send e-mail to help@eamobile.com__Loot Col-lec-tor_Fin-der of Se-crets_De-stroy-er of En-e-mies_De-stroy-er of Ob-jects_Book-worm_Tomb Rai-der__[None]_PLA-YER_Health:_Cur-rent and max health_Ar-mor:_Cur-rent and max ar-mor_Pla-yer Rank:_Cur-rent Rank_Cur-rent XP:_Your ex-pe-ri-ence points_Next XP Rank:_XP to reach the next rank_De-fense:_Re-duc-es dam-age re-ceived_Strength:_Af-fects me-lee dam-age dealt_Fo-cus:_Af-fects chance to hit_Evade:_Af-fects chance to dodge_STAT-US_Pla-yer_In-for-ma-tion about your rank and XP_Lev-el_In-for-ma-tion about prog-ress through this lev-el_Me-dals_In-for-ma-tion about me-dals earned_Me-dal in-for-ma-tion for the lev-el_To-tal:_A me-dal count for all lev-els_LEV-ELS_Time:_Time spent on this lev-el_Se-crets:_Se-crets found / to-tal_En-e-mies:_En-e-mies killed / to-tal_Turns:_Turns on this lev-el_Loot Found:_Items found / total_World Ob-jects:_Ob-jects de-stroyed / total_Books Read:_Books Read / total_To-tal time spent pla-ying_To-tal turns_Deaths:_To-tal num-ber of deaths_To-tal Treas-ure:_Net treas-ure acquired_Best Shot:_Most dam-a-ging at-tack_Shots Fired:_Num-ber of shots fired._Shots Missed:_Num-ber of shots missed._To-tal Dam-age:_To-tal dam-age dealt_Turns Drunk:_To-tal turns spent drunk!_WEAP-ON_Sy-ringe:_100\% SE-CRETS_None_Con-tin-ue _New Game _Op-tions _Mini Games_Game Help _About _Exit _More Games_Con-fig-ure the game_Help with the game_Back_Back _Re-turn to pre-vi-ous menu_How to Play _Ba-sic con-trols_How to Move _Move-ment con-trol de-tails_How to At-tack _Com-bat con-trol de-tails_Sni-per Ri-fles _Sni-per Ri-fle con-trol de-tails_Hel-met Help _De-tails how hel-met works_Item Help _De-tails how items work_Chicken Kicking_Help with the Chic-ken Kicking mini-game_War Game Help _Help with the WAR mini-game_Ef-fects List _Stat-us ef-fect de-tails_Cre-dits _Cre-dits_View developer cre-dits_Exit Game?_This will erase\nyour saved game.\n\nAre you sure?_Are you sure?_Re-sume Game_Re-turn to the game_IN-VEN-TO-RY_HEALTH_In-ven-to-ry_All of your items_Jour-nal_The log of your ad-ven-tures_Save Game_Save game prog-ress_Load Game_Re-store last saved game_View Map_View the lev-el map_Stat-us_View game sta-tis-tics_Re-start Lev-el_Load auto--saved game_Save & Quit_Save game and exit_Main Menu_Exit to main menu_Mini Game Menu_Exit to minigame menu_Re-start Lev-el?_Load Game?_You will lose\nall un-saved pro-gress.\nAre you sure?_No Saved Game_GAME HELP_Touch the play area to_Wolfenstein RPG_on_off_Sound_Vibrate:_SFX Volume:_Music Volume:_Language:_Go to Main Menu?_Save Game _Don't Save_Can-cel _To-wer_Cat-a-combs_Dark-ness_Com-pound_The Road_Paderborn_Sew-ers_The Keep_Harbinger_Test Map_Re-ci-pe_Known Rec-i-pes_No Known Rec-i-pes_En-a-ble Sounds?_Try Again?_Load Saved Game_Re-start Lev-el _Main Menu _Yes, please!_No, thanks!_Weap-ons_Your weap-ons_SY-RIN-GES_Sy-rin-ges_Your sy-rin-ges_TREAS-URE_Treas-ure_Treas-ure you have found_OTH-ER_Oth-er_Keys, Scotch, etc._Use %01?_Your health is_at its max-i-mum._Ok_Can-not in-ject sy-ringe._Can-not drink any more._Ef-fects at max-i-mum_ x_Menu_Load-ing Game…_Game Load-ed_Sav-ing Game…_Yes_No _ABOUT_RANK-ING_DIF-FI-CULT RANK-ING_NIGHT-MARE RANK-ING_Your Score:_Your Rank:_Con-tin-ue Pla-ying?_Choose Game Mode:_Nor-mal _Dif-fi-cult_Night-mare_[Failed]_Sav-ing_Ver-sion: _Save Game?_War _Me-dals Earned_Bo-nus Me-dals_You got _De-tailed stats can be found in the In--Game Sta-tus menu un-der 'Level'_BOOKS FOUND_Touch the play area to read this book._Chi-cken Kick-ing_High Scores_In-i-tials_Score_Doom RPG_Orcs & Elves_Orcs & Elves II_%01_%02_%03_%04_%05_%06_%07_%08_%09_%10_%11_%12_%13_%14_%15_%16_%17_%18_%19_%20_%21_%22_%23_%24_%25_%26_%27_%28_%29_%30_%31_%32_%33_%34_%35_%36_%37_%38_%39_%40_%41_%42_%43_%44_%45_%46_%47_%48_%49_%50_r_skipDecals_r_skip2D_Drive_Shoot_AimShoot_TurnShoot_renderMode_Off_De-bug_De-fault_Change Map_Debug System_Stats_showLocation_r_frames_r_speeds_r_skipCull_r_skipBSP_r_skipFlats_r_skipLines_r_skipSprites_r_onlyRender_No Clip_One Shot Kill_Dis-able AI_Equip for map_God mode_Give all_Give map_Im-age Mem_k:_Sprite Mem_k:_Line Mem_k:_BSP Mem_k:_Totl Mem_k:_Free Mem_k:_Avail MemK:_Peak MemK:_Used Mem_k:_Tex Mem_k:_Init Mem_k:_Map Mem_k:_Infinite Loop_Infinite Recursion_Unhandled Exception_Code Block_Repaint Block_Sound Block_Random Sound_Random Sound Delay_Back Light_Misc Supported_Advance Time_… © © ™ ™ Ø ¼ ½ ¾ Œ œ À Á Â Ã Ä Å ß È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ù Ú Û Ü Ý à á â ã ä å ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ù ú û ü ý ÿ ¿ ¡ ¢ x_Debug Font_Books_Wait_Controls_Control layout:_Classic_Chevrons_Arrows_Flip Controls:_Button Transparency:__To-wer_HELP|Wolfenstein RPG is a turn--based action game. Each movement and/or action takes one turn to complete._HELP|Fighting is turn--based. After attacking, such as firing a shot from a gun, the enemy will get a turn._RE-MIND-ER|You can save your game at any time. Touch the left switch to open the menu and se-lect "Save Game."_HINT|Touch BJ's head icon in the HUD to pass a turn and stay in place._HINT|You can punch and kick en-e-mies to save ammo. The weapon icon in the HUD will change your weap-ons._HINT|When needed, use Health Packs wisely -- use Num Num Bars to restore 20 health points and Health Packs to restore 80 health points._HINT|Check paint-ings and oth-er ar-eas for spe-cial se-crets in the game._HINT|You can side-step left and right -- to side-step left, swipe left, to side-step right, swipe right._HELP|You can change the look and opacity of the onscreen controls, and also flip the layout. Just go to the Controls section of the Options menu and you can adjust the settings._HELP|To shoot, punch or kick an enemy, tap anywhere on screen. Fighting is turn based, so the enemy will get a turn after each of yours._Find a Sil-ver Key to open the Sil-ver Door._Find a Gold Key to open the Gold Door. Of-fi-cer Kiefer will have the Gold Key._Cell 1 Lev-er_Cell 2 Lev-er_Kiefer_Want-ed_To Cat-a-combs_Ross_Book_Toi-let_Loot-ed Book-shelf_Cell 1_Cell 2_You got the key_Guard 1: See if the Amer-i-can's still alive._Guard 2: Why bo-ther?_Guard 1: Or-ders are to keep him alive!_Guard 1: So see if he's alive! I'll be back._Guard 2: *grum-ble*_This pis-tol and jour-nal should come in han-dy._You got a jour-nal_You got a pis-tol_What!? You, halt or I'll shoot!_I'll think about it._The sci-en-tist said we'd be see-ing you. Now, come qui-et-ly or we do this the hard way._Let's do this the hard way._Hey, you're not a guard! Let me out!_Please, let me out. They've locked me up with chi-ckens! Chi-ckens! The con-stant cluck-ing is driv-ing me in-sane!_Wooo! I'm free! I'm FREE!!_Let me out._EVIL! Axis pigs will pay for what they've done to me!_THEY WILL ALL PAY!_BURN, AXIS SCUM!_I will de-stroy all of you!_They're cra-zy! LOOK OUT! An-oth-er one is loose!_*grrrrr…*_Look out! He has a bomb!_The Amer-i-can pri-son-er in cell block 1 must be guar-ded at all times. If this room is found with-out a guard on shift, there will be se-vere con-se-quen-ces.||Pri-son Of-fi-cer|--Kiefer_Poul-try Log:|-- 28 De-liv-ered|-- 10 Cook-ed|-- 10 Test-ing_Pri-son-er 444 has been in-jec-ted with TMT. He now acts fright-ened of eve-ry-thing._Pri-son-er 5389 ar-rived ill and died with-in 2 days. Must in-ves-ti-gate cause._Pri-son-er 6341 was giv-en Epi-gen. The ef-fects are re-mark-a-ble! In-ju-ries heal at an in-cre-di-ble rate and even old scars seem to be dis-ap-pear-ing. We will con-tin-ue test-ing for more re-sults._Due to the Amer-i-can pri-son-er's es-cape, this door will be locked un-til he is found.||Pri-son Of-fi-cer|--Kiefer_Pri-son-er 781 was in-jec-ted with a cop-per/zinc mix. Short-ly af-ter in-jec-tion, sub-ject be-came very ag-gres-sive and im-pos-sible to han-dle. We will need to mo-di-fy the do-sage._This is a high se-cu-ri-ty area. Only of-fi-cers and sci-en-tists are al-lowed to car-ry keys to this door. For exit and en-try, ac-cess must be giv-en by an of-fi-cer or a sci-en-tist._Doctor Humphries, please keep an eye on this patient till I return. -- Dr. Gross_Warn-ing:|A pa-tient es-caped the asy-lum and is po-sing as an Axis of-fi-cer. Though not dan-ger-ous, he must be caught and in-ter-ro-ga-ted. He will want to play War. _Kiefer's Jour-nal:|Sev-er-al of the men have made their way down to the cat-a-combs. There have been some un-fore-seen con-se-quen-ces, but we will bring the test sub-jects to the pro-per lo-ca-tion when the time comes. We are close to our goals. This could be a great new weap-on for the Axis.||The Amer-i-can B.J. Blazkowicz has es-caped. We will…_Jour-nal:|Peo-ple in town are start-ing to get sick. They say the drink-ing wa-ter's con-ta-min-a-ted. Some-one should re-al-ly run some tests on the wa-ter to make sure it's safe to drink. I'm fine with drink-ing beer for now, but if they find out I've been tak-ing more than my share, I'll be stuck with the chi-ckens! Bah, chi-cken pen du-ties are bet-ter than get-ting sick.||--Ulysses_Pil-fer-ing gold gob-lets are we? Tsk, tsk._What do you want?_I want the key._Don't know what you're talk-ing about._Here's the key. Leave me alone!_I've been look-ing all over… nev-er mind. Thank you! Here's the key. I sug-gest you be care-ful. There will be lots of guards out that door._ALARM SOUN-DED_I didn't mean to tell the guards…_My apol-o-gies for warn-ing the guards. They would kill me if they knew I'm help-ing you, but I will help you get out. We just need to get you to the cat-a-combs. It's the only way you can es-cape. Some doors may be locked but Of-fi-cer Kiefer has the key that opens most doors. Fol-low me!_You in-sult me! I can-not be brib-ed!_Stop! I'll help you get out. The cat-a-combs… you can get out through the cat-a-combs. It's the only way. Some doors may be locked but Of-fi-cer Kiefer has the key that opens most doors. Fol-low me._I'll show you the way and…_Need Gold Key_Need Sil-ver Key_Do--it--your-self ac-ti-vist kit_Go away! Don't touch me! I don't want to go to the cat-a-combs!_Go away!_Ser-geant Blazkowicz, it's me, Ross!_Ross? You look… dif-fer-ent. What are you doing here?_They think I'm a lo-cal. I got caught off guard when they grab-bed a few va-grants in town. I'm not sure what they're up to but they've giv-en us some me-di-ca-tion…_Me-di-ca-tion?_They say it helps us heal. I think it's work-ing Sarge. I've nev-er felt bet-ter in my life! If you find a strange look-ing sta-tion with tubes, they call it a mix-ing sta-tion, put 3 red li-quids to-geth-er into a sy-ringe. That's what they gave us. You'll need some emp-ty sy-rin-ges to put the con-tents from the mix-ing sta-tion in._Set-tle down Ross. First things first. I need to get you out._Not a good idea Sarge. I'll be fine. They say they'll let us out in a day. As long as they think I'm a lo-cal, I'll be okay. There may be trou-ble if they think I es-caped. Please Sarge, you should leave._Al-right._Please go Sarge._Halt!_You're not sup-posed to be here!_Right._Ah, B.J. Blazkowicz… I am Of-fi-cer Kiefer._Kiefer. You have a key I need._And you think I'll just hand it to you? No, you'll have to fight me for it._Easy enough._WAR! Play this game with me and we will see who is vic-tor-i-ous!_Play WAR!_I lose!_I win!_You a gir-ly man. You scared to play WAR with Gunther._Cra-zy fool._What… STOP!_*whis-tle* huh?!_Ser-geant Blazkowicz! You made it out! We all thought you were a goner._Who are you?_I'm Spe-cial Agent Lewis. They sent an-oth-er squad in af-ter news that you were cap-tured. I don't know how many of our men made it but the dir-ec-tive is still the same. You must get to Castle Wolf-en-stein. We MUST ac-com-plish our mis-sion!_We need to get you out._I think one of the switch-es a-round here un-locks this cell door…_Please let me out of here._I've heard there's a se-cret en-trance through the cat-a-combs. You should go there Sarge. I'll try the front doors. It would-n't be a good idea to be caught to-geth-er. I'll be on my way. Good luck and thank you!_Es-caped pri-son-er! Es-caped pri-son-er!_Please leave me alone!_You don't have to do that. I'll help you. Here, have my sy-ringe [+1 Emp-ty Sy-ringe]. You can use it to mix cock-tails at the mix-ing sta-tion here. If you mix 3 red to-geth-er, that cock-tail will re-gen-er-ate your health._That was… very gen-er-ous of you. Here, have my sy-rin-ges [+2 Emp-ty Sy-ringe]. You can use them to mix cock-tails at the mix-ing sta-tion here. If you mix 3 red to-geth-er, that cock-tail will re-gen-er-ate your health._You don't have an-y-thing I want._Give it a try._I must stay or else they'll sus-pect I've helped you._You should go._The mix-ing sta-tion is right there._Please, leave me alone!_Can't I get a lit-tle pri-va-cy? Huh?! YOU… STOP!_You of-fered a bribe_A sneez-ing fit from in-hal-ing too much dust._Door Bro-ken_Alarm Bro-ken

_Cat-a-combs_To To-wer_To Dark-ness_In-scrip-tion_Tomb-stone_Loot-ed Book-shelf_RE-MIND-ER|You can save your game at any time. Touch the left switch to open the menu and se-lect "Save Game"._Find a Gold Key to open the Gold Door._Tres-pas-sers be warned. The sa-cred bur-i-al place of Mag-nus has been cursed. If you val-ue your life and your soul, leave the dead in peace._Here lies Lucas, our fa-vor-ite auc-tion-eer… now he's gone, gone, GONE!_Hector honk-ed his horn but said the stu-pid tree would-n't move._Nicolas drank good ale and wine, and lived to the age of 99._Here lies an Athe-ist, all dressed up and no place to go._Those who steal from the fam-i-ly are haun-ted by the fam-i-ly. You have been warned!_When I brought you the book,_I ex-pec-ted it to be dis-posed of._We threw it down this hole here sir._Both of you will keep qui-et about this!_Of course Sir!_Yes Sir!_Now, there's an-oth-er mat-ter of im-por-tance._The es-caped pri-son-er is on his way down._Make sure to give him a me-mor-a-ble…_wel-come._Will do sir!_We heard you were com-ing._We're the wel-com-ing com-mit-tee._Day 23:|I can't be-lieve it. Can't they read? There are warn-ings eve-ry-where! THE PLACE IS CURSED!! I can't stand it any long-er. These ig-nor-ant fools have no idea what they're doing.||Day 25:|I'm mov-ing down to the Cat-a-combs. If I don't bo-ther them, I don't think they'll bo-ther me. Be-sides, curse or no curse, I res-pect the dead. They'll un-der-stand that.||Day 32:|It's nice and qui-et down here. Now I can work on the new drug I have been mix-ing with-out in-ter-rup-tions. I knew res-pec-ting the dead would be more im-por-tant than a curse. As long as I… what… what's hap-pe-ning?! AAAARGHHH!_Day 5:|I was able to get away but suf-fered ser-i-ous burns. The curse is real! I'm hid-ing in the sar-co-pha-gus.||Day 6:|The fire de-mons are try-ing to get me! I hear them scrat-ching at the sar-co-pha-gus. I'm trapped…||Day 7:|I hear more of them… they're com-ing for me… I have no strength left… I'm doomed if they drag me out of here._I've been hid-ing am-mu-ni-tion and health sup-plies all over this place. I'm sure they will be need-ed. The com-man-ders don't be-lieve in the curse and laugh at me but I've seen some strange things. I'm con-vinc-ed this place is cursed. I re-al-ly don't un-der-stand what we're doing here. I can't ima-gine what could be so im-por-tant that we would have so many sol-diers down here? They're up to some-thing… I can feel it in my bones._Who are you? Drop your weap-ons!_What… WHAT IS GO-ING ON!?!?!_The curse…_NOOOOOO!_Bet that hurt._AHHHH!_Here's a wall that's crac-ked. Blow it down!_We should be able to pro-ceed that di-rec-tion._Hope-ful-ly they won't fol-low us._Let's move fur-ther into the caves!_OUT OF THE WAY!_This place is un-sta-ble… and cursed!_ZOM-BIES!_Use ex-plo-sives to blow them up…_Get out of the way!_*cough* Whew!_If you want to live…_…I sug-gest you|get out of here._TAKE CO-VER!_You re-al-ly know how to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!_So, there's a right place to be a-round here?_*Chuckle* If I were you, I'd move down into the caves. It's your only way out._I should trust you be-cause?_Stay here and die then! It's your choice._What are you doing here?!_You can't come in here! Doesn't mat-ter._YOU CAN-NOT STOP US NOW!_WE WILL CON-QUER… HAHA-HA…_AARGHHH!_Should-n't mo-no-logue._Bad for your health._This can't be good._The Gold Key has been tak-en to a safe place as a pre-cau-tion. I have been left be-hind to guard the area… but I don't think I'm alone. I'm told to log eve-ry-thing I see and hear. From what I've heard so far, I be-lieve this place is cursed. I hate this place.||Juan_I don't un-der-stand what's go-ing on down here. I'm told the curse is a min-or in-con-ve-ni-ence. We will be mov-ing down the cat-a-combs into the dark-ness soon… it's not a pleas-ant place. Sol-diers should be on guard at all times._I left ammo sur-plus in a tomb close to a cracked wall. If an-y-one finds it, take it back to head-quar-ters. I am or-dered to re-turn to camp.||--Tomas_The un-dead are af-ter me! Can't keep them away. I hid the key in one of the tombs to safe-guard the en-trance… these mon-sters can open doors. The key is in the tomb with blood spat-ters all over the walls._This curse is a much big-ger pro-blem than we orig-i-nal-ly an-ti-ci-pat-ed. We're los-ing too many sol-diers but the sci-en-tists don't care. This has to end!||--Abendroth_What the hell are chick-ens doing down here? How did they get down here?! Any sol-dier that finds a chicke-n run-ning amuck is to take it back to the kit-chen or the chick-en pen.||--Of-fi-cer Abendroth_You got the key_Need Gold Key_Old Po-cket Watch_La-dies XXXL un-der-wear_Tat-tered Pink Dress_Boot_De-cay-ing Den-tures_Dried up foun-tain pen_Love let-ters__Dark-ness_HINT|Keep an eye on your re-main-ing air, you will start drown-ing if you run out. Re-fill your lungs with air by stepp-ing into Air Bub-bles._To Cat-a-combs_To Com-pound_Tomb-stone_Find the wor-ker's pack and re-turn it to him._You got Brass Knu-ckles_Loot-ed Book-shelf_Died pla-ying DOOM RPG_Re-mem-ber me._To fol-low me, do not con-sent, un-til you know which way I went._Fell on my head and now I'm dead._I'm dead._I can't see an-y-thing from here!_Fi-nal-ly, some peace and qui-et!_It wasn't me!_Here lies Mr. Yeast, par-don him for not ri-sing._THE END!_Wor-ker_Re-ceived Wor-ker's Pack_They… are… all… a-round…_Who?_Th… the un-dead. Please, help me. I need my pack. I can't leave with-out my pack. Please, get my pack for me… I can re-ward you. I can't leave with-out my pack._Let's say I de-cide to help, where's this pack of yours?_To your right, down the hall. It's re-al-ly dark… they like to hide in the dark… do you know how to swim? You'll have to swim._Yeah, I can swim._Good, that's good. I drop-ped my jour-nal in the wa-ter… you'll know you're close when you find my jour-nal. My pack's in the cave I was work-ing in… I… I still don't know why I'm not dead. There were so many of them… so many…so… many…_Snap out of it!_Right… I'm sor-ry. Please hur-ry… I need my pack._Please hur-ry!_Thank you for bring-ing me my things!_As pro-mised, here… this should help you._How did you… nev-er-mind. This will come in han-dy!_Thank you. I think I can get the strength to go back now. It's bet-ter than stay-ing here… thanks again._Hel-lo… is some-one there?_I have-n't seen an-oth-er per-son in days!_I've been afraid to use the gen-er-a-tor pow-er…_Fi-nal-ly, some-one who can help me get out._Let me get this lit._AHHHHHH!!!_So, we meet again!_And why am I not sur-prised?_A lot of what I know would sur-prise you. For now, it would be a good idea if you got out of here…_And I'm sup-posed to trust an Amer-i-can ming-ling with the en-e-my? You smell like a trai-tor to me._A sharp tongue to match your sharp shoot-ing… I've al-ways won-dered which of us would win in a fair fight._We can find out right now._An-oth-er time. Save your en-er-gy for what's down here first. An un-der-wa-ter exit will get you out, not the first un-der-wa-ter maze, the sec-ond. You'll know you're in the right di-rec-tion if you see a sar-co-pha-gus over-grown with vines._Why are you help-ing me?!_We have a bat-tle re-served for an-oth-er time. Just make sure you make it out of here in one piece. I have oth-er busi-ness to at-tend to. Try to keep up. [wink]_Wha… what are you…_GUARDS!! We have an es-caped pri-son-er!_You're not sup-posed to be here!_Well I'm here._Day 1|The fur-ther down we go, the more wor-ried we all be-come. It's not right down here.||Day 5|This place IS CURSED! There are zom-bies… and… things… with fire! They're kill-ing our men. It's im-pos-sible to form a de-fense in the dark. Damn the sup-plies! We need to get out of here!||Day 8| A cou-ple of wor-kers have got-ten lost and a few sol-diers have drown-ed. The mon-sters seem afraid of the wa-ter. I dis-cov-ered that the cracks on the ground pro-vide breath-a-ble air un-der-wa-ter so I'll be stay-ing in the wa-ter for as long as I can un-til help ar-rives. ||Day 12|The dead here don't stay dead…_Day 36|I have been down here for over a month and have made very lit-tle prog-ress. It's too dark in here and when-ev-er we have to go through wa-ter, we lose some-thing. Eve-ry-thing sinks in these wa-ters… it's odd… noth-ing floats!||Day 42|I fi-nal-ly find some-thing of val-ue and it comes apart in my hands. The pa-per is an-cient but I can read some-thing about a spear. Can't make out much else but Of-fi-cer Muller should be hap-py that we've fi-nal-ly found some-thing.||Day 45|We've fi-gured out one oth-er word on the note, some-thing about des-tiny, and it has Of-fi-cer Muller grin-ning from ear to ear. He says we're on the right track!_Gree-tings from:|Anna, Ben, Brett, Karina, and Matt|--Woo-hoo!_Lock-et_I.O.U. Note_Pic-ture of two men hold-ing a huge bass fish._Bot-tle bot-tom glas-ses_Pic-ture of Greta Garbo_Bro-ken Watch_Torn up I.O.U. Note__Com-pound_No-tice_Warn-ing_Rules_High Score_To Dark-ness_Toi-let Door_Well_To The Road_Pri-son Door_Tombstone_Bar Door_Loot-ed Book-shelf_RE-MIND-ER|You can save your game at any time. Touch the left switch to open the menu and se-lect "Save Game."_Press Is Full|Please re-move chi-cken_Achtung!_Hey! Get him!_In-tru-der!_No-tice: There is a pos-si-bi-li-ty that a few es-caped pri-son-ers may make it to the com-pound. Be on guard at all times. The pri-son will re-main in lock-down un-til all pri-son-ers are ac-coun-ted for._Warn-ing: This ware-house is no long-er oper-a-tion-al. Tres-pas-sers BE-WARE!_Rules:|There are 10 chi-ckens per game. Each cub-by is worth a cer-tain amount of points. Kick a chi-cken into a cub-by and try to max-i-mize your score by aim-ing for the cen-ter cub-by. Touch the chicken to start your kick. Touch again to set the di-rec-tion you'd like to kick the chi-cken. Touch again to set the dis-tance._Here lies Zeke, sec-ond fast-est draw in town._Here lies the body of our Anna, done to death by a ba-na-na._Here lies Nikolaus. He was a good jolly man._Fritz Stahl -- Mur-dered by a trai-tor._He told eve-ry-one he was sick but no-body be-lieved him._This world was not good enough._Rest In Peace._Lived a short life, but it was a good one._Died of a bro-ken heart be-cause she could not play Orcs & Elves._Jan-u-ar-y 10: Our sci-en-tists are work-ing on hu-man gene mo-di-fi-ca-tion in an at-tempt to cre-ate a su-per sol-dier. God help us.|Jan-u-ar-y 17: I fear the ex-per-i-ment has been suc-cess-ful. Some sol-diers have ma-naged to smug-gle out some of these cock-tails and are us-ing them to en-hance them-selves. These cock-tails have made their way into the black mar-ket.|Feb-rua-ry 4: I've tried it… it works!_You're not a sol-dier… what do you want? I don't want any trou-ble._Don't hurt me! Please, I re-al-ly don't want any trou-ble. Take what-ev-er you want._Why… well… you seem like a good fel-low. Take a look a-round and see if you find some-thing you like. I'll be in the back._You don't have an-y-thing I want._Eeek!_Take an-y-thing you like._Sci-en-tist: Hey Loki,|come in here._Loki: Alright, I'm coming._Spy: You know what to do._Spy: We clear on that?_Sci-en-tist: Yes, of course._Spy: *cough* We have com-pany._Spy: Well, my busi-ness is done._Have-n't you heard of knock-ing?_Well, what do you want?_That all you got? I can take it._I'm start-ing to re-mem-ber a lit-tle some-thing._You can't bribe me!_I won't talk!_Ah, now I re-mem-ber. That's Loki, though I doubt that's his real name. Some-times I have pack-ages for him and oth-er times he has pack-ages for me. My su-pe-ri-ors keep him busy. All I know is he can get me what I want when I want._That's all I know._You should go._Argh! Stu-pid chi-cken!_Hel-lo!_Shut up and come qui-et-ly._We're to take you dead or alive._You must be here to play my chi-cken kick-ing game! Many peo-ple tell me that I've in-ven-ted a great sport. Come, come… step through the door be-hind me to play. Oh, let me get out of your way._Walk through the next door to play. It's re-al-ly easy to play. The rules of the game are in-side, pos-ted up on a clip-board. You can't miss it._Go on! Go play the chi-cken kick-ing game._Come play again any time._No one gets in or out with-out per-mis-sion._I see._Guten tag!_What the…_You! Play WAR with me! I chal-lenge and you will play!_Stop fol-low-ing me._I… um… I am NOT fol-low-ing you! You will play War with Gunther!_Good. Good. We play._BAD-GERS IN THE TROU-SERS! ARGH!!_I WIN! HAHA-HAHA! I WIN!_*grum-ble* I spit on your shoe! [spit]_What are you doing here? You're not al-lowed here!_I'm look-ing for Loki._Oh… I'm sor-ry. I have-n't seen him to-day._Loki said you could help me get out of here and find a way into town. What can you tell me?_Well, the en-tran-ces and ex-its are blocked off. You may be able to get out through the Square -- it's down the road but heav-i-ly guar-ded. You'll need a per-mit, of course, but Loki should be able to get you one._Now, if you'll ex-cuse me. I have to be on my way._OK… let's try that again._Uhum… so, has Loki drop-ped by to-day?_Not to-day. He comes and goes as he pleas-es._Right. But he had some-thing for me to pick up._Oh, it's you? I was ex-pec-ting some sol-dier or some-thing. Sure, I have the pack-age! Here you go. [gives note]_Thanks! When you see him, tell him B.J. said hel-lo._Sure thing. Why don't you take a cou-ple bot-tles for the road. Any friend of Loki's is a friend of mine._Thanks again! *grin*_Now, if you don't mind, I have to lock up and clean this mess._Go on. Get go-ing._Note Reads: All re-ques-ted items will be in Castle Wolf-en-stein by to-mor-row mor-ning. --Loki|[You crum-ple and toss the note af-ter read-ing it.]_Blazkowicz, over here! I've got a car! We can patch you up with these Health Packs. HUR-RY!_Relax and leave the driv-ing to me._You got 2 bot-tles of scotch_Closed!_You of-fered a bribe_Whoa!!_That's a dan-ger-ous fall._Small clay fi-gure_Gir-ly ma-ga-zine_One glass eye_Den-tures__The Road_Loot-ed Book-shelf_RE-MIND-ER|You can save your game at any time. Touch the left switch to open the menu and se-lect "Save Game."_SHOOT-ING|Touch the play area to fire weap-on. Touch the left directional arrow or swipe left to aim the weap-on left. Touch the right directional arrow or swipe right to aim the weap-on right._Hur-ry! I'll drive, you'll have to man the gun._That was a lit-tle too close._Well, this jeep won't take us any fur-ther._I'll need to find an-oth-er ve-hic-le._You head out that way…_…and find a way to meet up with me._Be care-ful!_There you are._I've got an-oth-er jeep._I'll take you close to Paderborn…_But you're on your own af-ter that._Hur-ry. Let's go!_This is as far as I can take you._Find your way to Castle Wolf-en-stein…_I'll meet you there._I didn't catch your name._I'm Keen. Com-man-der Keen._What was that…_It's the American!_You cannot escape us._We'll see about that.__Paderborn_Find Henk and Logan in pri-son and re-lease them._Loot-ed Book-shelf_This Pri-son is for hold-ing pur-pos-es only. Pri-son-ers will be ship-ped out eve-ry Mon-day._Sup-plies are off lim-its to non-mil-i-tar-y per-son-nel. If you are found with mil-i-tary sup-plies in your pos-ses-sion, you will be tak-en to pri-son._These sup-plies are to be ship-ped to Castle Wolf-en-stein._These toi-lets are to be sent to the To-wer right away. The To-wer's toi-lets have been ripped out and the sol-diers are all shar-ing one toi-let. This is a rush de-liv-ery!_To Com-pound_To Sew-ers_George_Sci-en-tist_Tra-der Moe_Ci-vil-ian_Frank_Logan_Henk_Please, leave me alone. I don't want to go to pri-son!_I'm not here to take you to pri-son._You're… not? Then… why are you here?_Just need some an-swers._I… I don't know much about an-y-thing. I don't think I can help you._I just need to know the way to Castle Wolf-en-stein. Can you tell me that?_Oh, you don't want to go there. I don't think it's a good idea._You let me de-cide that for my-self. Can you help me?_A cou-ple of my friends got sent to pri-son to-day. If they were here, I know they'd be able to help. Those guys know the area bet-ter than an-y-one._Tell me where this pri-son is. If what you're say-ing is true, I'll set them free._You'll set them free? That would be won-der-ful. They have fam-il-ies… Thank you. Thank you for help-ing my friends. The pri-son has a torch and a pos-ted sign by the en-trance. It's easy to find. Look for Henk and Logan. Tell them you're Frank's friend… Frank, that's me. They'll help you._I bet-ter get out of here be-fore those sol-diers get bor-ed. Thank you sir! Thank you for my friends… and good luck._You must be the one Loki's been tell-ing me about. He said you'd prob-a-bly be drop-ping by. Took you long-er than ex-pec-ted but all that mat-ters is that you're here. Loki told me to give you these. He says to use them well and not to dis-ap-point him. He'll be wait-ing for you in Castle Wolf-en-stein._No trades un-til you are done fight-ing._Hel-lo! You look like you're new in town! If you have some-thing to trade I'd be more than hap-py to strike a bar-gain._What can you give me for this?_WOW! Nice gold gob-let! Well, I don't have much… but this de-serves a de-cent trade. Tell you what, I'll give you a few day's sup-plies and toss in a cou-ple of sy-rin-ges. These sy-rin-ges come in han-dy when you're not feel-ing well. Just got them in._You got a deal._That's all I have._Halt!_Time to close shop!_You're new in town. We'll need to see your pa-pers. Come with me!_I don't think so._What?! Halt!_What's your name?_I'm Logan. What's it to you?_Mind your man-ners and I may get you out. Where's Henk?_Why should I trust you?_Frank sent me._Frank… sent you? You're here to help us?_That's what I said. I don't have much time. Where's Henk and how do I get you out?_Right! I'm sor-ry. Henk is in the next cell but you'll have to pull the lev-er down the oth-er hall to get us free. There's a guard there… he's armed… and mean._Be right back._The lev-er is down the hall._Please let us out._Thank you! Is there an-y-thing I can do to re-turn the fa-vor? An-y-thing at all?_Can you tell me how to get to Castle Wolf-en-stein with-out go-ing through the en-tire German mil-i-tary in this camp?_The only way is through the sew-ers. The sew-ers lead you straight into the castle… but strange things are go-ing on in there. They've been sen-ding a lot of sup-plies up there and se-cu-ri-ty is air tight. I would-n't go up there if I were you. Once you get in, you won't be able to get out._I just need to know how to get in. Get-ting out isn't that im-por-tant. How do I get to the sew-ers from here?_Follow the road and keep your eyes peeled for moss and vines grow-ing over things. That's your hint that you're close to the wa-ter and sew-age. Thank you for help-ing us… I wish you well._Come qui-et-ly or we'll do this the hard way._Let's do this the hard way._You are not go-ing an-y-where!_Some-one is in here…_Al-right al-read-y! I'll be out in a min-ute._*grum-ble* I thought I told you… HEY!_Your ap-pear-ance here has got-ten the whole Axis chain of com-mand in a pan-ic. Their en-er-gies are fo-cused on Castle Wolfenstein. The road from here back to the com-pound is a cake walk, so sit back and relax. I'll drive._Relax and leave the driv-ing to me.__Sewers_RE-MIND-ER|You can save your game at any time. Touch the left switch to open the menu and se-lect "Save Game."_To The Keep_To Paderborn_Dr. Schabbs_Of-fi-cer Abendroth_Loot-ed Book-shelf_Need Gold Key_Why do they have us down here?_YUCK!!!_It smells aw-ful in here!!!_Who in their right mind would_come through our sew-age pipes?_Just set them there._OK, let's get go-ing._We need to move a lot more stuff down here._I'll get more troops to help move._Bring the lad-der, we'll need it else-where._Hey, la-dies. We seem to be alone for now._The sew-ers stink, but you smell great…_Ouch! Was that re-al-ly called for?_Hey, who are you?!|We've got an in-tru-der!_What is all the noise… oh, you are not one of my men._Tsk, tsk… an-oth-er rat in-fest-ing the sew-ers._Halt the pro-ce-dure!_We have a test cham-ber breach!_Hold on! It's the Amer-i-can!_Per-fect! Lock the doors!_Re-lease test sub-ject 34B!_NO! That's not pos-sible!_Re-lease test sub-ject 34C!_Wait… the hoist is jammed!_IT'S GO-ING TO GIVE WAY!_AHHHH! NO! MY CRE-AT-ION!_You will pay for this, Al-lied dog!_I can't get enough of these Romance books._What was that? Ack!_Voice 1: Did you hear about what she is doing?_Voice 2: Who?_Voice 1: Marianna you fool!_Voice 2: Oh, yeah… I heard she was ga-ther-ing chi-ckens and… guinea pigs._Voice 1: Well, lets keep mov-ing. We have more tun-nels to pa-trol and we need to get the key to the lower part of the castle._Marianna will tear you apart!_I'll look for-ward to it._We will fight un-til her re-turn!||Die blas-phem-er!_That door is not sup-posed to be un-locked un-less…_You are not…_Marianna has been ex-pec-ting you._I will bring her your head!_What can I say, la-dies love me._Ob-tain the key to un-lock the door that leads into the lower castle._Knock Knock!_Hey! Help me get out of here! The lev-er's on your left._Tell me what's go-ing on here._They've been cre-at-ing Su-per Sol-diers. Their ar-mor is ex-treme-ly dif-fi-cult to pe-ne-trate… they're so strong… they've en-gi-neered kill-ing mon-sters!_Eve-ry-one has a weak-ness._Please let me out._Please let me out. The lev-er's right next to you._Se-date him!_Get him!_Humm. Sounds like some-thing's an-gry._Very an-gry._This can't be good._Blazkowicz. I've heard a great deal about you._I'm glad you've made it in one piece…_I would-n't want to spoil the fun._La-dies!_YOU LIT-TLE TICK!_I WILL SQUASH YOU!_Hmm… won-der if I have a snip-er ri-fle?_What?!_Marianna! Are you Okay?_DE-STROY HIM, YOU FOOLS!__The Keep_To Sew-ers_To Harbinger_Un-dead hold-ing:||The hold-ing gates shall not be opened with-out pro-per per-mis-sion.||--Gen-er-al Tooknap_Loot-ed Book-shelf_You of-fered a bribe_Out of the way!_I must see to my pretties!_Oh! My gorgeous cre-at-ions!_Come here! Come to your creator!_Wait! What are you doing?!?!_NOOOOO!!!_*Sigh* Will they ever learn?_ARGHH! My ears! That's one heck of a scream!_Ahhhhh! There you are!_Loki._I'd like to say I'm disappointed that you made it this far, but I'd be lying if I did._Get out of my way._Of course. It's not our time. Just try to stay alive… there are things here you don't un-der-stand, and I need you alive, for now._You know I have to take you down._*laughs* Pa-tience B.J. There is a time and place for eve-ry-thing. Goodbye… for now._Get in line!_You've been trained to serve the Axis…_I have trained you my-self._You will fight, and we will be vic-tor-i-ous!_Get back in line!_I see you need more train-ing._Back into your room! March!_This should be in-ter-est-ing…_Kill him my pets!_You! Ske-le-ton! Go a-round be-hind him!_This doesn't look good._Just a few screws miss-ing._Oh, these guys again._Oooo…kay._Got-cha!_I'm glad to see you made it._I guess it's time._We won't need weap-ons like these…_Or these…_Your weap-ons are up in that crate._Would-n't be a fair fight if you had those,_Now would it?_Now, let's see how good you re-al-ly are!_Looks like I'll need a lit-tle some-thing to help._Anger Syringe… that should do it!_Ahhhh, that's good!_I'M BACK!_Hmmm… wonder what's in those crates._Loki uses Anger Syringe!_Loki uses a Healthpack!_I can still beat you!_Another round of health should do it._YOU ARE GOING DOWN!_I un-der-es-ti-mat-ed you Blazkowicz._You're bet-ter than I thought…_We'll have a rematch|some oth-er time!_That was close… He almost had me._You got all your items_I prob-a-bly should-n't for-get my weap-ons up in that crate._Halt!__Harbinger_RE-MIND-ER|You can save your game at any time. Touch the left switch to open the menu and se-lect "Save Game."_To The Keep_Of-fi-cer Abendroth_Loot-ed Book-shelf_Find a Gold Key to open the Gold Door._You again! Grrrr… I can never be left alone to read my romance novels!_Ser-geant B.J. Blazkowicz. Seems you've been mak-ing a lot of trou-ble for us._So I have._Loki said not to un-der-es-ti-mate you… but it seems that Loki should have lis-tened to his own ad-vice. *chuck-le*_You and I are alike in many ways B.J. In an-oth-er time and place, we could have been very good friends._I doubt it. You're wast-ing my time._Ahhh, a man of ac-tion. Yes, let's not waste time. I have a prop-o-si-tion for you… one that will make you very rich. You've rid me of my spy so I'm in need of a new one. Do we un-der-stand one an-oth-er?_*yawn* I hear trai-tors and lowlives un-der-stand each oth-er so I can see why Loki and you got along well. You and me? Nope, not gon-na work. I'm let-ting you down gent-ly. You're not my type._*scowls* Have it your way._Can we please move these dis-gust-ing un-dead beasts out of this stor-age area? I know they're sup-posed to be 'trained,' but they're not help-ing at all!_I've had enough of this!_Dr. Schabbs, what on Earth is the point of these foul, well, fowl? Please get rid of them!_My pets… a morsel has dropped by just for you!_Have fun!_They're tampering with Hell. Hell itself! It's the har-bing-er of DOOM!!_*Mutters re-li-gious phrases*_THEY TOOK MY CARDS! They took poor Gunther's cards! *sniffle*_I can-not play WAR… they took my cards. *sniffle*_Sur-plus wa-ter that hasn't been blessed should be dumped into the cistern through the door on your right. The door on the left is off lim-its to all unauthorized per-sonn-el._You should just get out of here while you can._Doesn't hurt. They beat me regularly around here. I prac-ti-cal-ly ex-pect it now._Mmmm… yeah… let me have it!_You of-fered a bribe_Gen-er-ous. Thank you. Here's a tid bit of information for you… a high--ranking of-fi-cer went into the cistern room for some wa-ter and nev-er came out. He has the gold key so if he doesn't show up, we're stuck here. Like I said, get out while you can._You don't have an-y-thing I want._Just leave me alone now. I've got enough wor-ries of my own._Just come on in. We'll talk._Need Gold Key_You are not pre-pared for what waits for you._We know how the last fight went… you really want a re-match so soon?_I want a re-match but not now. You can't sur-vive what they've unleashed. Only a holy object has a chance against this abomination. You won't survive this._I'll take my chances._Predictable to the last. Well, when you get beat nearly to death, may-be you'll smarten up and get out of there. Consider what I said._Here's some health packs, you're going to need them._IM-POR-TANT! Only Holy Wa-ter must be put into the moat! Unblessed wa-ter needs to be stored in the cistern on the floor be-low._What the…?!_Holy cow!_I told you it was go-ing to be tough. These Axis fools have been dabbling in the oc-cult for years. Your one chance is to find The Spear of Destiny. It's the only way you can defeat it. I hope to have my re-match someday. Till then, fare-well… and good luck._No one keeps Gunther held for long. You're a good person for playing WAR with Gunther so I have something for you. I won it and hid it before they caught me, but it's tearing my trou-sers. You take it. I'm off to find my cards!_So long!_Please don't kill me! I'm not responsible for it. Please, just let me go._*confused* You won't kill me? Well… I guess I can help you then. Here, take this Tes-la Gun. It's the only thing that seems to have any effect on it. This gun is experimental… be careful. I can't do anything to stop it but maybe you can. I should go be-fore they find out I helped you._WAIT WAIT! Here, take this gun. It's the only thing that seems to have any effect on it. Please, don't hurt me… they'll kill me if they find out I gave this to you. I need to go be-fore they find out._Ieeee!!_You are not one of them. *growls* So, are you my entertainment or my meal?_What the…_Hahaha… entertainment then._Ahhh, I was hoping you would return. Let's make this last a bit longer, shall we?_Tsk, tsk, I see you've got a new toy. *chuckles* Put that away. You'll hurt yourself._I think I'll keep it. I've grown fond of it._Have it your way child. You bore me. Perhaps my pets will have more fun with you than I._You dare to defy ME! You insignificant HUMAN! I WILL TEAR THE MEAT FROM YOUR BONES!_NO! *GRRRR* I will find your blood!_Your descendants will pay! _I--WILL--BE--BACK! NOOO!!__Test Map_Lever Jammed_Pleased ta meet ya! Me name is Stumpy._Stumpy_Ye'll have ta use tha lever in tha hallway if ya be wantin ta proceed._Good luck to ya!

Raw Script (Mobile Version)

Pop Cul-ture_Pop Cul-ture:|Both high and mass cul-ture can be seen as pop cul-ture but for high cul-ture to be-come pop cul-ture, it must be ac-cept-ed by the mas-ses._Sa-cred Ro-mance 1_Sa-cred Ro-mance 1:|He met her eyes with fiery in-ten-si-ty as she qui-vered against his chest. As his need grew, her breath came in shal-low gasps for her de-sire over-pow-ered her sen-ses._Com-plex Hu-man Emo-tions_Com-plex Hu-man Emo-tions:|Com-plex hu-man emo-tions are said to be the root of hap-pi-ness, or lack there-of. While a poor man can be hap-py and a rich man mis-er-a-ble, the op-po-site can also be true. It is said that true hap-pi-ness can only be found with-in._Ge-ne-tics Pro-blem Sol-vers_Ge-ne-tics Pro-blem Sol-vers:|A com-plete dis-course on bac-ter-i-al and vi-ral ge-ne-tics, and bi-o-chem-is-try._Scraw-ny to Braw-ny_Scraw-ny to Braw-ny:|Build-ing mus-cle the na-tu-ral way -- LIFT WEIGHTS!_Mak-ing Beer 101_ Mak-ing Beer 101:|The ear-li-est known brew-ers were Egyp-tians who made beers with wild yeast._Blade Skills 101_Blade Skills 101:|Throw a blade like a pro! Grip a blade, any blade, by its han-dle, not the sharp edge else you may get cut. Be-fore launch-ing the blade at your tar-get, do a pir-ou-ette then launch the blade 10 met-ers dis-tance. The more you ro-tate, the fur-ther the blade will go. Be care-ful when you do quad pir-ou-ettes; your blade may get out of con-trol._Sa-cred Ro-mance 2_Sa-cred Ro-mance 2:|Her bo-soms pressed against him as his weight bore down. She need-ed to be strong, to stay above the de-sire that would con-sume her. 'GET OFF ME!' she cried; the sud-den ven-om in her voice was a slap to his face. Slowly she whis-pered, 'Did you think I would for-get?'._The Oc-cult_The Oc-cult:|The Oc-cult and the un-dead have an un-sight-ly past to-geth-er. The dead, once brought back to life, are hard to put 6 feet un-der again. Old Nec-ro-man-cers have been sta-ted say-ing a shot to the head, ex-plo-sions, or fire work at stop-ping the crea-tures. Un-less, of course, they are fire de-mons… in that case, RUN!_Stay at Home Hus-band_Stay at Home Hus-band:|Are you too lazy to get a job? Or are you lucky enough to stay home while your wife brings home the ba-con… so you can play board games all day? Well, lazy or lucky, if you want to be a stay at home hus-band, be sure to get din-ner on the ta-ble when she comes home and do the laun-dry right. Try not to get re-placed by a youn-ger and pret-ti-er mo-del._Sa-cred Ro-mance 3_Sa-cred Ro-mance 3:|His hands en-cir-cled her waist and pow-er-ful arms brought her to him. As his green hunt-er eyes bore into her soul, she knew she was his. This time, she could not give him the sat-is-fac-tion of know-ing it. This time, she would not yield._Breath-ing for Birth-ing_Breath-ing for Birth-ing:|When in la-bor, re-mem-ber to in-hale through your nose and ex-hale through your mouth. A cleans-ing breath be-fore and af-ter each con-trac-tion is ex-treme-ly im-por-tant. Find a fo-cal point and fo-cus!_Sa-cred Ro-mance 4_Sa-cred Ro-mance 4:|'My life is yours. What else would you ask of me?' The hope-less-ness in his voice said more than ei-ther of them were wil-ling to ad-mit. Their burn-ing de-sires were but can-dle-sticks in a tur-bu-lent sea. She had to let him go. 'Your life is not what I de-sire…' and with that she turned and left._Quick Body_Quick Body:|Get a to-tal body work-out in just 15 min-utes a day._Lead-er-ship Skills for the Fee-ble--mind-ed_Lead-er-ship Skills for the Fee-ble--mind-ed:|Sol-diers think you smart. You do good job tell-ing them stuff. "March there!" you say and they march. See?_Lead-er-ship Skills for the Fee-ble--mind-ed: 2nd Edi-tion_Lead-er-ship Skills for the Fee-ble--mind-ed: 2nd Edi-tion:|[Hand-writ-ten in-side the co-ver]|Kiefer, hope you don't al-read-y have this book. You need it.|---Com-man-dant Bier-mann._From Boot to Pot: Poul-try for Place-kick-ers_From Boot to Pot: Poul-try for Place-kick-ers:|In-tro-duc-tion: This guide solves that age--old pro-blem of how to com-bine two of our fa-vor-ite pas-times: kick-ing things and eat-ing chi-cken._Sa-cred Ro-mance 5_Sa-cred Ro-mance 5:|He had just found her… he could-n't let her go! His 6'4" frame was agile and fast. As he rushed out to find her, he was in-ter-cept-ed by the Sage. Her lav-en-der eyes be-trayed a cun-ning that her de-cep-tive-ly young form did not. 'WHAT DID YOU DO?' he de-mand-ed. This was her do-ing and the fury with-in near-ly over-came him._Sa-cred Ro-mance 6_Sa-cred Ro-mance 6:|He had to stead-y his breath-ing, pace the beat of his heart… if he had to kill the Sage, he would do it. He would even defy his mas-ter. He re-al-ized that this was how it had to be. As he re-mem-bered bits of his past, what he re-mem-bered most was that he needed her. He loved her. He could-n't let his mas-ter take her. The Sage would talk._Sa-cred Ro-mance 7_Sa-cred Ro-mance 7:|The Sage would nev-er lie. He swift-ly nav-i-gat-ed the cor-ri-dors of the cas-tle, but it didn't seem fast enough. He need-ed to run fas-ter! As he turned a cor-ner, the sight be-fore him near-ly crum-pled him. His mas-ter had her. His love was trapped in the arms of the fiend-ish crea-ture. He strug-gled to breathe, to fo-cus, to re-mem-ber who he was and who he had been. His mas-ter's fiery breath raked her sup-ple neck and she screamed in ag-o-ny. Strength surged through his body and with light-ning speed, he cross-ed the thresh-old to chal-lenge the beast. To chal-lenge his mas-ter._Sa-cred Ro-mance 8_Sa-cred Ro-mance 8:|'An-gel… you have done well.' the beast growled. 'You may have her when I am done. Watch as I sa-vor this mo-ment!' Angel re-mem-bered now. A flur-ry of mem-o-ries came rush-ing back. He was a fall-en an-gel who chose Abigale over Heav-en. That choice had left him with the fall-en and his de-sire to be with Abigale, head priest-ess of Val-or, had consumed him. Abigale's duty de-mand-ed that she vanquish the fall-en but she loved Angel. Their sins were un-for-giv-a-ble but per-haps they could die in each oth-er's arms. An-gel spun with dead-ly force to-wards the mas-ter of the fall-en, sev-er-ing the beast's arm… Abigale was free._Prat-fall-ing For Dum-mies_Prat-fall-ing For Dum-mies:|Want to fall with-out hurt-ing your-self? Just be careful!_How to Dis-a-gree_How to Dis-a-gree:|Get-ting your point across with the gen-tle art of ver-bal self--de-fense._Agility Training_Agility Training:|Teach your-self to run fast-er, jump high-er, and dodge punch-es like cra-zy._Lock Pick-ing_Lock Pick-ing:|Learn prac-ti-cal, non--de-struc-tive ways of get-ting into just about eve-ry-thing._Duck Hunt-ing_Duck Hunt-ing:|The ul-ti-mate guide to call-ing and de-coy-ing wa-ter-fowl. Learn the best tips and tac-tics for hunt-ing ducks and geese._Hap-pi-ness Deep With-in_Hap-pi-ness Deep With-in:|Take a deep breath… now take an-other. Your life is noth-ing and you know it. The only thing you look for-ward to is rev-el-ing in your own self pit-y. Now go cry your-self to sleep._Con-trol-ling your Chi_Con-trol-ling your Chi:|You are one with your-self, one with eve-ry-thing sur-round-ing you. Feel the en-er-gy surg-ing through you. Fo-cus on that en-er-gy and use it._TALK|Press OK (key 5) to talk to char-ac-ters with chat bub-bles._LOCKED OB-JECT|Un-lock with a key. Find the cor-rect key to this door._BAR-RI-CADE|Smash with your boot or ex-plo-sives._CRATE|Break open to get con-tents_MIX-ING STA-TION|Mix-ing Sta-tions are stocked with in-gre-dients. Use in-gre-dients to fill emp-ty sy-rin-ges and cre-ate new cock-tails_FOOD|In-stant-ly re-stores some health._NOTE|You made a jour-nal en-try. Open menu (key 0) then se-lect Jour-nal to read._OB-STA-CLE|Smash it with your boot._DOOR|Press OK (key 5) to open. Some doors must be un-locked with a key be-fore you can open them._WEAP-ON SE-LEC-TION|Use key 7 or * to cy-cle weap-ons, or press MENU (key 0) then se-lect "In-ven-to-ry"._BAR-REL|Kick to move bar-rels or shoot for an ex-plo-sion._US-A-BLE OB-JECT|Tear out and toss them._AIR BUB-BLES|Step on them to breathe air._Health low!|Use a health pack or Num Num bar from your in-ven-to-ry._Health low!|Find a health pack, Num Num bar, or chicken._Weap-on Mis-fire|You can only punch, kick or use dy-na-mite un-der wa-ter._I'm still alive!_You've fin-ished the game, bare-ly. There's still much to dis-co-ver._Alive and kick-ing_You got the job done, but we've seen bet-ter._Wan-na-be Blazkowicz_Good job!_Blazkowicz wor-thy_Great job! There's only one who can do bet-ter._Bad to the bone Blazkowicz_You are the best there is._Exit_Hit_Bribe_Play_To use, press MENU (key 0) then se-lect "In-ven-to-ry" then "Sy-rin-ges"._To use, press MENU (key 0) then se-lect "In-ven-to-ry" then "Oth-er"._To view not-es, press MENU (key 0) then se-lect "Jour-nal"._To use, press MENU (key 0) then se-lect "In-ven-to-ry"._Use key 7 or * to cy-cle weap-ons, or press MENU (key 0) then se-lect "In-ven-to-ry"._%01 Stat-ue_An err-or has oc-curred. Please try start-ing the ap-pli-ca-tion again.\n\nEr-ror De-tails:\n %01_Game Saved_Game Load-ed_Skip_Load-ing…_En-ter_Con-tin-ue_Door is Locked_Turn Passed_Health at max-i-mum_Sor-ry!_Stop_Send Msg_De-tails_||_Load-ing Game_Menu_Leave_Help_Map_More_Pro-ces-sing…_Just a mo-ment!_Mon-ster is Im-mune!_Mon-ster stunned!_Last Shot!_1 Shot Left_%01 Shots Left_Out of Range!_%01 dodged!_%01 blocked!_Dodged!_Missed!_%01 missed!_Back At-tack! _Back At-tack!_Crit! _%01 dam-age!_De-flect-ed!_Weap-on De-flect-ed!_%01 took %02 dam-age and died!_%01 took %02 dam-age!_Ammo: _Base Dam-age: %01 \n_Ide-al Range: %01 -- %02 \n_Ide-al Range: %01 \n_De-flect: %01 \n_For more de-tails go to "Ar-mor Help" un-der the "Help" menu._It burns!_Can't hold more %01s._You got the key_Got %01_Got %01 %02._Ammo at max-i-mum_%01 flees!_%01 de-stroyed!_%01%02x %03|_%01%02|_%01's raise failed!_%01 rais-es %02!_%01 heals %02!_%01 fire dam-age!_%01 con-sumes a corpse!_%01 drinks from pool of blood!_Press OK to Continue_Ammo_Health_Tar-get_Stat-us_Ef-fects_[Cur-rent Gold: %01]_Dis-ease caus-es %01 dam-age!_Lost %01 XP!_Gained %01 XP._LEV-EL UP: %01|_Max Health: %01|_De-fense: %01|_Strength: %01|_Ac-cu-ra-cy: %01|_Agi-li-ty: %01|_Health re-stored.|To see stats press MENU (key 0) then se-lect "Stat-us"._Gained %01 health_%01 did %02 dam-age!_Near Death!_Low Health!_Out of Ammo!_Charging…_Out of Air!_Breathing Air!_Pain!_Found Se-cret!_Can-cel_Se-lect_ *hic*_0.1.3.en.lg8100_Build 01_BETA_PgUp_Mix-ing Sta-tion_Press "OK" to mix_Press "OK" to add_Press "OK" to exit_In-gre-dients:_x%01_Undo_Mix-ture Un-known_Emp-ty Mix-ing Sta-tion_Out of emp-ty sy-rin-ges_Cre-at-ed %01_ Con-tents:|_You Got:|_Re-flect-ed %01 dam-age!_You lost the hand._You won the hand!_WAR_Cards are equal.|Go to WAR!|Press OK._You've won all of your op-po-nent's loot._You don't have enough loot to play again._You can-not play card games with-out loot._%01 Points!_%01/10 Kicked_Out of Bounds!|0 points._%01|High Scores_Your score: %01_# En-ter / * Back_Rank_Name_Score_1st_2nd_3rd_4th_5th_Chi-cken Kick-ing_Chi-cken Kick-ing|Com-plete!_Sy-rin-ges:_As Al-lied forces bom-bard Axis strong-holds and vic-to-ry is close at hand, the Axis Par-a-nor-mal Div-i-sion ramps up ac-tiv-i-ty in a bid to de-stroy the world. The Al-lies send an elite force of Ran-gers into en-e-my ter-ri-to-ry to in-fil-trate and de-stroy the weap-ons known to be se-cre-ted away in-side Castle Wolf-en-stein. Ser-geant B.J. Blazkowicz, squad lead-er of the elite force has been cap-tured. The where-a-bouts of the oth-ers are still un-known._A mon-strous roar is heard through-out the country-side, though only a few un-der-stand its significance. A lone fi-gure walks through the bro-ken gates of Castle Wolf-en-stein and he cringes as a thought occurs to him. He moves to-wards the wait-ing res-cue plane and wonders how he's go-ing to ex-plain this to the brass in Washington._ME-DAL AWARD-ED|Con-grat-u-la-tions, you've been award-ed the %01 me-dal!_No_Yes_Book: _Would you like to read %01?_%01 %02_[Re-ceived noth-ing of any use]_[Re-ceived %01 for %02 turns]_Pick a card:_Pick a card to fin-ish the WAR:_You're at WAR!|Pick a card to throw away:_Pick one more card to throw away:_De-stroyed %01 loot items_Make a bet! To move the bet-ting poin-ter, use UP/DOWN or 2/8 keys.|Once a bet is placed, press OK or 5.||Cur-rent Bet: %01\%_Gunther's turn._Noth-ing of use_Re-flec-tion_Pur-i-fy_Agi-li-ty_Re-gen-er-a-tion_De-fense_Strength_Evade_Fo-cus_An-ger_Anti--Fire_For-ti-tude_Fear_Air_Fire_Dis-ease_Drunk_Dizzy_Fists_Punch en-e-mies to loos-en their lips._Brass Knu-ckles_If they won't talk, knock their teeth out._Spiked Knu-ckles_If they won't talk, pierce their tongue._Boot_Use your boot to kick en-e-mies and break de-struc-ti-ble ob-jects such as bar-ri-cades._Thomp-son_A sub-ma-chine gun with 2 shots per turn._Sten_A pow-er-ful sub-ma-chine gun with 3 shots per turn._Mau-ser_Mau-ser Ri-fle_A ba-sic sni-per ri-fle with lim-it-ed zoom fun-ction-al-i-ty._FG42_Par-a-troo-per Ri-fle_A sni-per ri-fle with mul-ti-ple fir-ing ca-pa-bil-i-ty with lim-it-ed zoom._Pan-zer-faust_A pow-er-ful ro-cket launch-er de-signed for mo-bi-li-ty._Dy-na-mite_Can be used to de-stroy dam-aged walls, en-e-mies, and oth-er de-struc-ti-ble ob-jects. Also try stick-ing it to mon-sters for a blast._Pis-tol_Ba-sic hand-gun that fires one round and does min-i-mal dam-age._Dual Pis-tols_Two ba-sic hand-guns; each fires one round per turn._Flame-throw-er_Flame Throw-er_De-struc-tive fire weap-on that will put en-e-mies ablaze for a few turns._Chain Gun_A dev-a-sta-ting-ly pow-er-ful heavy chain-gun that deals 4 shots per turn._Tes-la Gun_De-liver mill-ions of volts to near-by en-e-mies_Spear of Des-tin-y_A holy spear to de-stroy evil foes._Chi-cken Zap-per_Paint-ing_Spikes_Guard_Sol-dier_Par-a-troo-per_Wor-ker_Sci-en-tist_En-gi-neer_Ske-le-ton_Fire Ske-le-ton_Fire War-ri-or_Lieu-ten-ant_Cap-tain_Col-o-nel_Of-fi-cer_Pro-to-type_Rocket Sol-dier_Su-per Sol-dier_Troo-per_Flame Troo-per_Assault Troo-per_Chain Troo-per_Prime Guard_Special Guard_Elite Guard_Zom-bie_Mini Zom-bie War-ri-or_Zom-bie War-ri-or_Mega Zom-bie War-ri-or_Shriek-er_Tor-men-tor_Chi-cken_En-raged Chi-cken_Olaric_Marianna_Har-bing-er of Doom_Sil-ver Key_Key that un-locks sil-ver doors._Gold Key_Key that un-locks gold doors._Hel-met_Hel-met Ar-mor_Pro-vides pro-tec-tion from close and long--range as-saults._9mm Rounds_Am-mu-ni-tion for guns that use 9mm Rounds._12.7mm Rounds_Am-mu-ni-tion for guns that use 12.7mm Rounds._.30 Cal Rounds_Am-mu-ni-tion for guns that use 30 Cal-i-ber Rounds._.45 Cal Rounds_Am-mu-ni-tion for guns that use 45 Cal-i-ber Rounds._Fuel_Flame Throw-er Fuel_Na-palm mix-ture used as fuel for a Flame Throw-er._Ro-ckets_High ex-plo-sives that can be launched._Re-charge-a-ble Bat-ter-y__Scotch_Scotch Bot-tle_In-creases your me-lee dam-age and dam-age re-sis-tance by 16\% but low-ers your chance to hit your en-e-mies by 24\%. Lasts 30 turns._Pack_Wor-ker's Pack_A sim-ple pack full of tools._Evade_Evade Sy-ringe_In-creases your chance to dodge at-tacks by 20\% per in-jec-tion for 30 turns._De-fense_De-fense Sy-ringe_Low-ers dam-age done to you by 20\% per in-jec-tion for 30 turns._Adre-na-line_Adre-na-line Sy-ringe_In-creases the dam-age of all your me-lee at-tacks by 20\% per in-jec-tion for 30 turns._Fo-cus_Fo-cus Sy-ringe_In-creases your chance to hit your en-e-mies by 20\% per in-jec-tion for 30 turns._Anti--Fire_Fire Re-tar-dant Sy-ringe_Re-moves fire ef-fects and pro-tects against fire for 10 turns._En-rage_En-rage Sy-ringe_In-creases the dam-age of all your at-tacks by 100\% per in-jec-tion for 30 turns._Agi-li-ty _Agi-li-ty Sy-ringe_In-creas-es your speed -- move twice as fast as op-po-nents for 20 turns._For-ti-tude_For-ti-tude Sy-ringe_In-creases your max-i-mum health for 30 turns._Re-gen-er-a-tion_Re-gen-er-a-tion Sy-ringe_Re-gen-er-ates some of your health eve-ry turn for 30 turns._Pur-i-fy_Pur-i-fy Sy-ringe_Re-moves neg-a-tive ef-fects and in-creas-es your re-sis-tance to such ef-fects for 10 turns._Re-flec-tion_Re-flec-tion Sy-ringe_Re-flects five at-tacks back to the en-e-my. Lasts for 30 turns._Sol-dat_Su-per Sol-dier Sy-ringe_Low-ers dam-age done to you and in-creases the dam-age of all your me-lee at-tacks by 25\%. Also in-creases your max-i-mum health. Lasts 30 turns per in-jec-tion._Elite_Elite Guard Sy-ringe_In-creases your chance to dodge at-tacks and your chance to hit your en-e-mies by 25\%. Also in-creases your me-lee dam-age by 100\%. Lasts 30 turns per in-jec-tion._Fear_Fear Sy-ringe_You ap-pear hor-ri-ble and sick-ly, caus-ing fear in your en-e-mies for 6 turns._An-ger_An-ger Sy-ringe_In-creases the dam-age of all your at-tacks by 50\% per in-jec-tion for 30 turns._Mix-ing Sta-tion_Air Bub-bles_Alarm_Lev-er_Book-shelf_Book_Tomb-stone_Sar-co-pha-gus_Clip-board_Fire_Toi-let_Sink_Chair_Ta-ble_Ex-plo-sive Bar-rel_Crate_Bar-ri-cade_Un-locked Sil-ver Door_Locked Sil-ver Door_Un-locked Gold Door_Locked Gold Door_Locked Door_Un-locked Door_En-e-my Flag_Pick up this item to throw it at things._Stat-ue_Ar-mor-ed Stat-ue_Pri-son-er_Ci-vil-ian_Spy_Gunther_Num Num Bar_Gives you 20 health._Health Pack_Gives you 80 health._Roas-ted Chi-cken_Burnt Chi-cken_Exit_NONOBSPRITEWALL_SPRITEWALL_SECRET_SPRITEWALL_World_Jour-nal_Auto-mati-cal-ly keeps im-por-tant not-es._Gold Coins_Coin made of gold. _Gold Gob-let_Jew-el en-crus-ted gob-let made of gold._Gold Cross_Jew-el en-crus-ted cross made of gold._Gold Crown_Jew-el en-crus-ted crown made of gold._Emp-ty Sy-ringe_Can be used to store cock-tails made at a mix-ing sta-tion._|€€€€ CRE-DITS €€€€||Pro-duc-er|KATHERINE A. KANG||Pro-gram-ming|JOHN CARMACK|BRETT ESTABROOK|BENJAMIN LEWIS||De-sign|KATHERINE A. KANG|MATTHEW C. ROSS|KARINA SIMONS|ERIK WESSLEN||Art-work|MATTHEW C. ROSS|ANDY CHANG|HENK NIEBORG||Mu-sic and Sound|CHRISTIAN ANTKOW|BOBBY PRINCE||||||||||Thanks for Play-ing!||_#HOW TO PLAY|Use the di-rec-tion-al pad or num-ber keys to move and na-vi-gate men-us. Press OK (key 5) to talk, at-tack, and oth-er ac-tions.||#OTH-ER|5 at-tack/talk/use|9 pass turn/skip|\# view map/right soft key|0 open menu/back_#HOW TO PLAY|Use the Trackball or num-ber keys to move and na-vi-gate men-us. Press OK (key 5) to talk, at-tack, and oth-er ac-tions.||#OTH-ER|5 at-tack/talk/use|9 pass turn/skip|\# view map/right soft key|0 open menu/back_#HOW TO MOVE|Press 2 to move for-ward|8 to move back|1 to move left|3 to move right|4 to turn left/page up|6 to turn right/page down||If sup-por-ted by hand-set, use ar-row keys on di-rec-tion-al pad to move and turn.||UP move for-ward|DOWN move back|LEFT turn/page up|RIGHT turn/page down_#HOW TO MOVE|Press 2 to move for-ward|8 to move back|1 to move left|3 to move right|4 to turn left/page up|6 to turn right/page down||If sup-por-ted by hand-set, use the Trackball to move and turn.||UP move for-ward|DOWN move back|LEFT turn/page up|RIGHT turn/page down_#HOW TO AT-TACK|Press 5 to at-tack/talk/use|7 for next weap-on|* for prev weap-on|9 for pass turn/skip_#HEL-MET HELP|Hel-mets ab-sorb por-tion of dam-age re-ceived. On the HUD, amount of dam-age ar-mor ab-sorbs is shown next to hel-met icon._#EF-FECTS LIST|| \A Re-flec-tion|| \B Pur-i-fy|| \C Agi-li-ty|| \D Re-gen-er-a-tion|| \E De-fense|| \F Adre-na-line|| \G Evade|| \H Fo-cus|| \I An-ger|| \J Anti--Fire|| \K For-ti-tude|| \L Fear|| \M Hold-ing Breath|| \N Fire|| \O Dis-ease|_#ITEM HELP|You'll en-coun-ter food, am-mu-ni-tion, weap-ons, hel-mets, me-di-ca-tion, sy-rin-ges and oth-er items to aid you. These items may be viewed and used from the In-ven-to-ry menu. ||Us-ing an item takes a turn. Af-ter use, if you're at-tacked, you'll re-turn to the game; oth-er-wise you may stay in menu and con-tin-ue to use items. ||#EF-FECTS|Item ef-fects last a num-ber of turns. Ac-tive ef-fects show at the right--hand side of dis-play, along with its re-main-ing turns._#SNI-PER RI-FLES|Equip sni-per ri-fle, then press 5 to be in SNI-PER MODE. In SNI-PER MODE the fol-low-ing keys ap-ply:||7 Zoom in|* Zoom out||2 Look up|8 Look down|4 Look Left|6 Look Right||5 Fire Weap-on||0 Exit Sni-per Mode|9 Pass Turn||You may use ar-row keys on di-rec-tion-al pad to ad-just scope.||UP Look up|DOWN Look down|LEFT Look Left|RIGHT Look Right_#SNI-PER RI-FLES|Equip sni-per ri-fle, then press 5 to be in SNI-PER MODE. In SNI-PER MODE the fol-low-ing keys ap-ply:||7 Zoom in|* Zoom out||2 Look up|8 Look down|4 Look Left|6 Look Right||5 Fire Weap-on||0 Exit Sni-per Mode|9 Pass Turn||You may use the Trackball to ad-just scope.||UP Look up|DOWN Look down|LEFT Look Left|RIGHT Look Right_#WAR|First, bet a per-cen-tage of your trea-sure, then choose a card. Gun-ther will then choose a card. The one with the high-est val-ued card wins. If chosen cards have same val-ue, WAR begins. Dur-ing WAR, 6 cards are dealt, 4 cards are thrown away. You and Gun-ther take turns choos-ing throw away cards. U-pon reach-ing fin-al two cards, you chose one card and Gun-ther chooses the last. Own-er of high-est card wins. In the event of an-oth-er tie, an-oth-er round of WAR en-sues._#CHICKEN KICKING|There are 10 chi-ckens per game. A cub-by is worth a cer-tain amount of points. Kick chi-cken into a cub-by and try to max-i-mize score by aim-ing for the cen-ter cub-by. Press OK to start. Press OK again to set the di-rec-tion you'd like to kick the chi-cken. Press OK again to set the dis-tance._Wolf-en-stein RPG™ © 2008 Id Software, Inc. All Rights Re-served. Wolf-en-stein, Wolf-en-stein RPG, and ID are trade-marks or reg-is-tered trade-marks of Id Software, Inc. in the Unit-ed States and/or oth-er coun-tries.||Dis-tri-bu-ted by Elec-tron-ic Arts Inc. un-der li-cense from Id Software, Inc. EA and the EA logo are trade-marks or reg-is-tered trade-marks of Elec-tron-ic Arts Inc. in the Unit-ed States and/or oth-er coun-tries.||Cust-o-mer ser-vice: Send e-mail to help@eamobile.com_ €€€€ BRIEFING €€€€|Orders are as follows:||The Axis has in-creased ac-tiv-i-ties in their Spec-ial Weapons and Par-a-nor-mal Di-vi-sion. In-tel-li-gence con-cludes the cen-ter of activity to be located within Castle Wolf-en-stein. In-fil-trate Castle Wolf-en-stein, gather any intelligence and destroy weapons of mass destruction.|If you are cap-tured, escape at all costs. Stand-ing Order \#71 remains in effect: If you or any of your agents are placed in a com-pro-mis-ing position, the OSA will dis-a-vow any know-ledge of your identity and in-volve-ment in this mission.__Loot Col-lec-tor_Fin-der of Se-crets_De-stroy-er of En-e-mies_De-stroy-er of Ob-jects_Book-worm_Tomb Rai-der__[None]_PLA-YER_Health:_Cur-rent and max health_Ar-mor:_Cur-rent and max ar-mor_Pla-yer Rank:_Cur-rent Rank_Cur-rent XP:_Your ex-pe-ri-ence points_Next XP Rank:_XP to reach the next rank_De-fense:_Re-duc-es dam-age re-ceived_Strength:_Af-fects me-lee dam-age dealt_Fo-cus:_Af-fects chance to hit_Evade:_Af-fects chance to dodge_STAT-US_Pla-yer_In-for-ma-tion about your rank and XP_Lev-el_In-for-ma-tion about prog-ress through this lev-el_Me-dals_In-for-ma-tion about me-dals earned_Me-dal in-for-ma-tion for the lev-el_To-tal:_A me-dal count for all lev-els_LEV-ELS_Time:_Time spent on this lev-el_Se-crets:_Se-crets found / to-tal_En-e-mies:_En-e-mies killed / to-tal_Turns:_Turns on this lev-el_Loot Found:_Items found / total_World Ob-jects:_Ob-jects de-stroyed / total_Books Read:_Books Read / total_To-tal time spent pla-ying_To-tal turns_Deaths:_To-tal num-ber of deaths_To-tal Treas-ure:_Net treas-ure acquired_Best Shot:_Most dam-a-ging at-tack_Shots Fired:_Num-ber of shots fired._Shots Missed:_Num-ber of shots missed._To-tal Dam-age:_To-tal dam-age dealt_Turns Drunk:_To-tal turns spent drunk!_WEAP-ON_Sy-ringe:_100\% SE-CRETS_None_Con-tin-ue _New Game _Op-tions _Mini Games_Game Help _About _Exit _More Games_Con-fig-ure the game_Help with the game_Back_Back _Re-turn to pre-vi-ous menu_How to Play _Ba-sic con-trols_How to Move _Move-ment con-trol de-tails_How to At-tack _Com-bat con-trol de-tails_Sni-per Ri-fles _Sni-per Ri-fle con-trol de-tails_Hel-met Help _De-tails how hel-met works_Item Help _De-tails how items work_Chicken Kicking_Help with the Chic-ken Kicking mini-game_War Game Help _Help with the WAR mini-game_Ef-fects List _Stat-us ef-fect de-tails_Cre-dits _Cre-dits_View developer cre-dits_Exit Game?_This will erase\nyour saved game.\n\nAre you sure?_Are you sure?_Re-sume Game_Re-turn to the game_IN-VEN-TO-RY_HEALTH_In-ven-to-ry_All of your items_Jour-nal_The log of your ad-ven-tures_Save Game_Save game prog-ress_Load Game_Re-store last saved game_View Map_View the lev-el map_Stat-us_View game sta-tis-tics_Re-start Lev-el_Load auto--saved game_Save & Quit_Save game and exit_Main Menu_Exit to main menu_Mini Game Menu_Exit to minigame menu_Re-start Lev-el?_Save & Quit?_Load Game?_You will lose\nall un-saved pro-gress.\nAre you sure?_No Saved Game_GAME HELP_Press OK to_Wolfenstein RPG_on_off_Sound_Sound:_Vi-brate_Vi-brate:_Language:_Go to Main Menu?_Save Game _Don't Save_Can-cel _To-wer_Cat-a-combs_Dark-ness_Com-pound_The Road_Paderborn_Sew-ers_The Keep_Harbinger_Test Map_Re-ci-pe_Known Rec-i-pes_No Known Rec-i-pes_En-a-ble Sounds?_Try Again?_Load Saved Game_Re-start Lev-el _Main Menu _Yes, please!_No, thanks!_Weap-ons_Your weap-ons_SY-RIN-GES_Sy-rin-ges_Your sy-rin-ges_TREAS-URE_Treas-ure_Treas-ure you have found_OTH-ER_Oth-er_Keys, Scotch, Books, etc._Use %01?_Your health is_at its max-i-mum._Ok_Can-not in-ject sy-ringe._Can-not drink any more._Ef-fects at max-i-mum_ x_Menu_Load-ing Game…_Game Load-ed_Sav-ing Game…_Yes_No _ABOUT_RANK-ING_DIF-FI-CULT RANK-ING_NIGHT-MARE RANK-ING_Your Score:_Your Rank:_Con-tin-ue Pla-ying?_Choose Game Mode:_Nor-mal _Dif-fi-cult_Night-mare_[Failed]_Sav-ing_Ver-sion: _Save Game?_War _Me-dals Earned_Bo-nus Me-dals_You got _De-tailed stats can be found in the In--Game Sta-tus menu un-der 'Level'_BOOKS FOUND_Press 'OK' or 5 to read this book._Chi-cken Kick-ing_High Scores_In-i-tials_Score_Doom RPG_Orcs & Elves_Orcs & Elves II_%01_%02_%03_%04_%05_%06_%07_%08_%09_%10_%11_%12_%13_%14_%15_%16_%17_%18_%19_%20_%21_%22_%23_%24_%25_%26_%27_%28_%29_%30_%31_%32_%33_%34_%35_%36_%37_%38_%39_%40_%41_%42_%43_%44_%45_%46_%47_%48_%49_%50_r_skipDecals_r_skip2D_Drive_Shoot_AimShoot_TurnShoot_renderMode_Off_De-bug_De-fault_Change Map_Debug System_Stats_showLocation_r_frames_r_speeds_r_skipCull_r_skipBSP_r_skipFlats_r_skipLines_r_skipSprites_r_onlyRender_No Clip_One Shot Kill_Dis-able AI_Equip for map_God mode_Give all_Give map_Im-age Mem_b:_Sprite Mem_k:_Line Mem_k:_BSP Mem_k:_Totl Mem_k:_Free Mem_k:_Avail MemK:_Peak MemK:_Used Mem_k:_Tex Mem_k:_Init Mem_k:_Map Mem_k:_Infinite Loop_Infinite Recursion_Unhandled Exception_Code Block_Repaint Block_Sound Block_Random Sound_Random Sound Delay_Back Light_Advance Time_… © © ™ ™ Ø ¼ ½ ¾ Œ œ À Á Â Ã Ä Å ß È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ù Ú Û Ü Ý à á â ã ä å ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ù ú û ü ý ÿ ¿ ¡ ¢ x_Debug Font__To-wer_RE-MIND-ER|Save your game at any time. Press "0" key to open menu and se-lect "Save Game."_HINT|Hit the 9 key to pass a turn and stay in place._HINT|Punch and kick en-e-mies to save ammo. The 7 and * keys will change your weap-ons._HINT|Use Health Packs wisely - Num Num Bars restore 20 health points and Health Packs restore 80 health points._HINT|Check paint-ings and oth-er ar-eas for spe-cial se-crets._HINT|You can side step left and right -- to side step left, press 1, to side step right, press 3._Find a Sil-ver Key to open the Sil-ver Door._Find a Gold Key to open the Gold Door. Of-fi-cer Kiefer will have the Gold Key._Cell 1 Lev-er_Cell 2 Lev-er_Kiefer_Want-ed_To Cat-a-combs_Ross_Book_Toi-let_Loot-ed Book-shelf_Cell 1_Cell 2_You got the key_Guard 1: See if the Amer-i-can's still alive._Guard 2: Why bo-ther?_Guard 1: Or-ders are to keep him alive!_Guard 1: So see if he's alive! I'll be back._Guard 2: *grum-ble*_This pis-tol and jour-nal should come in han-dy._You got a jour-nal_You got a pis-tol_What!? You, halt or I'll shoot!_I'll think about it._The sci-en-tist said we'd be see-ing you. Come qui-et-ly or we do this the hard way._Let's do this the hard way._Hey, let me out!_They've locked me up with chi-ckens! Chi-ckens! The con-stant cluck-ing is driv-ing me in-sane! Let me out!_Wooo! I'm FREE!!_Let me out._Axis pigs will pay for what they've done to me!_THEY WILL ALL PAY!_BURN, AXIS SCUM!_I will de-stroy all of you!_They're cra-zy! LOOK OUT! An-oth-er one is loose!_*grrrrr…*_Look out! He has a bomb!_The Amer-i-can pri-son-er in cell block 1 must be guar-ded at all times.||Pri-son Of-fi-cer|--Kiefer_Poul-try Log:|-- 28 De-liv-ered|-- 10 Cook-ed|-- 10 Test-ing_Pri-son-er 444 has been in-jec-ted with TMT. He now acts fright-ened of eve-ry-thing._Pri-son-er 5389 ar-rived ill and died with-in 2 days. _Pri-son-er 6341 was giv-en Epi-gen. The ef-fects are re-mark-a-ble! In-ju-ries heal at an in-cre-di-ble rate and old scars are dis-ap-pear-ing. We will con-tin-ue test-ing._Due to the Amer-i-can pri-son-er's es-cape, this door will be locked un-til he is found.||Pri-son Of-fi-cer|--Kiefer_Pri-son-er 781 was in-jec-ted with a cop-per/zinc mix. Sub-ject be-came very aggressive and im-pos-sible to han-dle._This is a high se-cu-ri-ty area. Only of-fi-cers and sci-en-tists are al-lowed to car-ry keys to this door. Exit and en-try ac-cess must be giv-en by an of-fi-cer or a sci-en-tist._Re-port -- *BLANK*_Warn-ing:|A pa-tient es-caped the asy-lum and is po-sing as an Axis of-fi-cer. Though not dan-ger-ous, he must be caught and in-ter-ro-ga-ted. He will want to play War. _Kiefer's Jour-nal:|My troops are down in the cat-a-combs. There have been some un-fore-seen con-se-quen-ces, but the test sub-jects will be delivered. We are close to our goals. This could be a great new weap-on for the Axis.||The Amer-i-can B.J. Blazkowicz has es-caped. We will…_Jour-nal:|Peo-ple in town are get-ting sick. They say the drink-ing wa-ter's bad. I'm fine with beer for now, but if they find out I've been tak-ing more than my share, I'll be stuck with the chi-ckens!||--Ulysses_Pil-fer-ing gold gob-lets are we? Tisk, tisk._What do you want?_I want the key._Don't know what you're talk-ing about._Here's the key. Leave me alone!_Thank you! Here's the key. I sug-gest you be care-ful. There will be lots of guards out that door._ALARM SOUN-DED_I didn't mean to tell the guards…_My apol-o-gies for warn-ing the guards. They would kill me if they knew I'm help-ing you, but I will help you get out. We just need to get you to the cat-a-combs. It's the only way you can es-cape. Some doors may be locked but Of-fi-cer Kiefer has the key that opens most doors. Fol-low me!_You in-sult me! I can-not be brib-ed!_Stop! I'll help you get out. The cat-a-combs… you can get out through the cat-a-combs. It's the only way. Some doors may be locked but Of-fi-cer Kiefer has the key that opens most doors. Fol-low me._I'll show you the way and…_Need Gold Key_Need Sil-ver Key_Do--it--your-self ac-ti-vist kit_Go away! I don't want to go to the cat-a-combs!_Go away!_Ser-geant Blazkowicz, it's me, Ross!_Ross? You look… dif-fer-ent. What are you doing here?_They think I'm a lo-cal. I got caught off guard when they grab-bed a few va-grants in town. Not sure what they're up to but they've giv-en us some me-di-ca-tion…_Me-di-ca-tion?_It helps us heal. I've nev-er felt bet-ter in my life! If you find a strange look-ing sta-tion with tubes, they call it a mix-ing sta-tion, put 3 red li-quids to-geth-er into a sy-ringe. That's what they gave us. You'll need some emp-ty sy-rin-ges to put the con-tents from the mix-ing sta-tion in._Set-tle down Ross. First things first. I need to get you out._Not a good idea Sarge. They say they'll let us out in a day. As long as they think I'm a lo-cal, I'll be okay. There may be trou-ble if they think I es-caped. Please Sarge, you should leave._Al-right._Please go Sarge._Halt!_You're not sup-posed to be here!_Right._Ah, BJ Blazkowicz… I am Of-fi-cer Kiefer._Kiefer. You have a key I need._And you think I'll just hand it to you? No, you'll have to fight me for it._Easy enough._WAR! Play WAR with me and we will see who is vic-tor-i-ous!_Play WAR!_I lose!_I win!_You gir-ly man. Scared to play WAR with Gunther._Cra-zy fool._What… STOP!_*whis-tle* huh?!_Ser-geant Blazkowicz! You made it out!_Who are you?_I'm Spe-cial Agent Lewis. They sent an-oth-er squad. I don't know how many of our men made it but the dir-ec-tive is still the same. You must get to Castle Wolf-en-stein. We MUST ac-com-plish our mis-sion!_We need to get you out._I think one of the switch-es a-round here un-locks this cell door._Please let me out of here._I've heard there's a se-cret en-trance through the cat-a-combs. You should go there Sarge. I'll try the front doors. It would-n't be a good idea to be caught to-geth-er. I'll be on my way. Good luck and thank you!_Es-caped pri-son-er! Es-caped pri-son-er!_Please leave me alone!_You don't have to do that. I'll help you. Here, have my sy-ringe [+1 Emp-ty Sy-ringe]. You can use it to mix cock-tails at the mix-ing sta-tion here. If you mix 3 red to-geth-er, that cock-tail will re-gen-er-ate your health._That was… very gen-er-ous of you. Here, have my sy-rin-ges [+2 Emp-ty Sy-ringe]. You can use them to mix cock-tails at the mix-ing sta-tion here. If you mix 3 red to-geth-er, that cock-tail will re-gen-er-ate your health._You don't have an-y-thing I want._Give it a try._I must stay or else they'll sus-pect I've helped you._You should go._The mix-ing sta-tion is right there._Please, leave me alone!_Can't I get a lit-tle pri-va-cy? Huh?! YOU… STOP!_You of-fered a bribe_A sneez-ing fit from in-hal-ing dust._Door Bro-ken_Alarm Bro-ken_Hel-lo!_

_Cat-a-combs_To To-wer_To Dark-ness_In-scrip-tion_Tomb-stone_Loot-ed Book-shelf_RE-MIND-ER|Save your game at any time. Press the "0" key to open the menu and se-lect "Save Game"._Find a Gold Key to open the Gold Door._Tres-pas-sers be warned. The sa-cred bur-i-al place of Mag-nus is cursed. If you val-ue your life and your soul, leave!_Here lies Lucas, an auc-tion-eer… now he's gone, gone, GONE!_Hector honk-ed his horn but said the stu-pid tree would-n't move._Nicolas drank good ale and wine, and lived to the age of 99._Here lies an Athe-ist, all dressed up and no place to go._Those who steal from the fam-i-ly are haun-ted by the fam-i-ly. You've been warned!_When I brought you the book,_I ex-pec-ted it to be dis-posed of._We threw it down this hole here sir._Both of you will keep qui-et about this!_Of course Sir!_Yes Sir!_Now, there's an-oth-er mat-ter of im-por-tance._The es-caped pri-son-er is on his way down._Give him a me-mor-a-ble…_wel-come._Will do sir!_We heard you were com-ing._We're the wel-com-ing com-mit-tee._Day 23:|Can't they read? There are warn-ings eve-ry-where! THE PLACE IS CURSED!! These ig-nor-ant fools have no idea what they're doing.||Day 25:|I'm mov-ing down to the Cat-a-combs. If I don't bo-ther them, they won't bo-ther me. Be-sides, curse or no curse, I res-pect the dead. They'll un-der-stand that.||Day 32:|It's qui-et down here. Now I can work on the new drug with-out in-ter-rup-tions. I knew res-pec-ting the dead mat-tered. As long as I… [blood splatter]_Day 5:|I got away but I'm burned. The curse is real! I'm hid-ing in the sar-co-pha-gus.||Day 6:|The fire de-mons are try-ing to get me! I hear them scrat-ching at the sar-co-pha-gus. I'm trapped…||Day 7:|I hear more of them… they're com-ing for me… I'm doomed if they drag me out of here._I've been hid-ing am-mu-ni-tion and sup-plies all over the place. I'm sure they will be need-ed. The com-man-ders don't be-lieve in the curse and laugh at me but I'm con-vinc-ed this place is cursed. I don't un-der-stand what we're doing here. What could be so im-por-tant that we would need so many sol-diers down here? They're up to some-thing._Who are you? Drop your weap-ons!_What… WHAT IS GO-ING ON!?!?!_The curse…_NOOOOOO!_Bet that hurt._AHHH!_Here's a crac-ked wall. Blow it down!_We should be able to pro-ceed that di-rec-tion._Hope-ful-ly they won't fol-low us._Lets move fur-ther into the caves!_OUT OF THE WAY!_This place is un-sta-ble… and cursed!_ZOM-BIES!_Use ex-plo-sives to blow them up…_Get out of the way!_*cough* Whew!_If you want to live…_…I sug-gest you|get out of here._TAKE CO-VER!_You re-al-ly know how to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!_So, there's a right place to be a-round here?_*Chuckle* If I were you, I'd move down into the caves. It's your only way out._I should trust you be-cause?_Stay here and die then! Your choice._What are you doing here?!_You can't come in here! Doesn't mat-ter._YOU CAN-NOT STOP US NOW!_WE WILL CON-QUER… HAHA-HA…_AARGHHH!_Should-n't mo-no-logue._Bad for your health._This can't be good._The Gold Key is in a safe place as a pre-cau-tion. I've been left be-hind to guard the area but I don't think I'm alone. I think this place is cursed. I hate this place!||Juan_We will be mov-ing down the cat-a-combs into the dark-ness soon… it's not a pleas-ant place. Sol-diers should be on guard at all times._I left ammo sur-plus in a tomb close to a cracked wall in case of emergency.||--Tomas_The un-dead are af-ter me! I hid the key in one of the tombs to safe-guard the en-trance. The key is in the tomb with blood spat-ters all over the walls. These mon-sters can open doors!_This curse is a pro-blem we hadn't an-ti-ci-pat-ed. We're los-ing many sol-diers but the sci-en-tists don't care. This has to end!||--Abendroth_What the hell are chick-ens doing down here? How did they get down here?! Anyone who finds a chick-en is to take it back to the chick-en pen.||--Of-fi-cer Abendroth_You got the key_Need Gold Key_Old Po-cket Watch_La-dies XXXL un-der-wear_Tat-tered Pink Dress_Boot_De-cay-ing Den-tures_Dried up foun-tain pen_Love let-ters__Dark-ness_HINT|Keep an eye on your re-main-ing air, you'll drown if you run out. Get air by stepp-ing into Air Bub-bles._To Cat-a-combs_To Com-pound_Tomb-stone_Find the wor-ker's pack and re-turn it to him._You got Brass Knu-ckles_Loot-ed Book-shelf_Died pla-ying DOOM RPG_Re-mem-ber me._To fol-low me, do not con-sent, un-til you know which way I went._Fell on my head and now I'm dead._I'm dead._I can't see an-y-thing!_Fi-nal-ly, some peace and qui-et!_It wasn't me!_Here lies Mr. Yeast, par-don him for not ri-sing._THE END!_Wor-ker_Re-ceived Wor-ker's Pack_They… are… all… a-round…_Who?_Th… the un-dead. Please, help me. I need my pack. I can't leave with-out my pack. Please, get my pack for me… I can re-ward you._Let's say I de-cide to help, where's this pack of yours?_To your right, down the hall. It's re-al-ly dark… they like to hide in the dark… do you know how to swim? You'll have to swim._Yeah, I can swim._Good, that's good. I drop-ped my jour-nal in the wa-ter… you'll know you're close when you find my jour-nal. My pack's in the cave I was work-ing in… I… I still don't know why I'm not dead… so many…so… many…_Snap out of it!_Right… I'm sor-ry. Please hur-ry… I need my pack._Please hur-ry!_Thank you for bring-ing me my things!_As pro-mised, here… this should help you._How did you… nev-er-mind. This will come in han-dy!_Thank you. I can get the strength to go back now. It's bet-ter than stay-ing here… thanks again._Hel-lo… is some-one there?_I have-n't seen an-oth-er per-son in days!_I've been afraid to use the gen-er-a-tor pow-er._Fi-nal-ly, some-one who can help me get out._Let me light this._AHHHH!!_So, we meet again!_Why am I not sur-prised?_What I know would sur-prise you. It would be a good idea if you got out of here._And I'm sup-posed to trust an Amer-i-can ming-ling with the en-e-my? You smell like a trai-tor!_A sharp tongue to match your sharp shoot-ing… I won-der which of us would win in a fair fight._Let's find out._An-oth-er time. Save your en-er-gy for what's down here. There's an un-der-wa-ter exit, not in the first un-der-wa-ter maze, the sec-ond. You'll know you're in the right di-rec-tion if you see a sar-co-pha-gus over-grown with vines._Why are you help-ing me?!_We have a bat-tle re-served for an-oth-er time. Make sure you get out of here in one piece. I have oth-er busi-ness to at-tend to. Try to keep up. [wink]_Wha… what are you…_GUARDS!! Es-caped pri-son-er!_You're not sup-posed to be here!_Well I'm here._Day 1|The fur-ther down we go, the more wor-ried I get. It's not right down here.||Day 5|This place IS CURSED! There are zom-bies… and… things… with fire! They're kill-ing us! It's im-pos-sible to form a de-fense in the dark.  We need to get out of here!||Day 8| A cou-ple of wor-kers got lost and a few sol-diers drown-ed. The mon-sters seem afraid of the wa-ter. I'll be stay-ing in the wa-ter for as long as I can un-til help ar-rives… the cracks on the floor seep breath-a-ble air||Day 12|The dead here don't stay dead…_Day 36|I've been here for a month and haven't made any prog-ress. It's too dark and when-ev-er we go through wa-ter, we lose some-thing. Eve-ry-thing sinks in these wa-ters… it's odd… noth-ing floats!||Day 42|I fi-nal-ly find some-thing of val-ue and it falls apart. The pa-per is an-cient but I can read some-thing about a spear. Can't make out much else but I'm hap-py that I've fi-nal-ly found some-thing.||Day 45|We fi-gured out anoth-er word on the note, some-thing about des-tiny. This had Of-fi-cer Muller grin-ning from ear to ear. He says we're on the right track!_Gree-tings from:|Anna, Ben, Brett, Karina, and Matt|--Woo-hoo!_Lock-et_I.O.U. Note_Pic-ture of two men hold-ing a huge Bass fish._Bot-tle bot-tom glas-ses_Pic-ture of Greta Garbo_Bro-ken Watch_Torn up I. O. U. Note__Com-pound_No-tice_Warn-ing_Rules_High Score_To Dark-ness_Toi-let Door_Well_To Paderborn_Pri-son Door_Tombstone_Bar Door_Loot-ed Book-shelf_RE-MIND-ER|Save your game at any time. Press the "0" key to open the menu and se-lect "Save Game."_Press Is Full|Re-move chi-cken_Achtung!_Hey! Get him!_In-tru-der!_No-tice: Es-caped pri-son-ers may be in the com-pound.  Be on guard at all times. The pri-son will re-main in lock-down un-til all pri-son-ers are ac-coun-ted for._Warn-ing: This ware-house is no long-er oper-a-tion-al. Tres-pas-sers BE-WARE!_Rules:|There are 10 chi-ckens per game. Each cub-by is worth a number of points. Kick a chi-cken into a cub-by and try to max-i-mize your score by aim-ing for the cen-ter cub-by. Press OK to start your kick.  Press OK again to set the di-rec-tion you'd like to kick the chi-cken. Press OK again to set the dis-tance._Here lies Zeke, sec-ond fast-est draw in town._Here lies the body of our Anna, done to death by a ba-na-na._Here lies Nikolaus. He was a jolly man._Fritz Stahl -- Mur-dered by a trai-tor._He told eve-ry-one he was sick but no-body be-lieved him._This world was not good enough._Rest In Peace._Lived a short life, but it was good._Died bro-ken heart-ed be-cause she couldn't play Orcs & Elves._Jan-u-ar-y 10: Our sci-en-tists are work-ing on hu-man gene mo-di-fi-ca-tion to cre-ate su-per sol-diers. God help us.|Jan-u-ar-y 17: The ex-per-i-ment is a suc-cess! Some sol-diers are smug-gling out these cock-tails and are us-ing them to en-hance them-selves. These cock-tails have made their way into the black mar-ket._You're not a sol-dier… what do you want? I don't want any trou-ble._Don't hurt me! I re-al-ly don't want any trou-ble. Take what-ev-er you want._Why… well… you seem like a good fel-low. Look a-round and see if you find some-thing you like. I'll be in the back._You don't have an-y-thing I want._Eeek!_Take an-y-thing you like._Sci-en-tist: Hey Loki,|come in here._Loki: Alright, I'm coming._Spy: You know what to do._Spy: We clear on that?_Sci-en-tist: Yes, of course._Spy: *cough* We have com-pany._Spy: Well, my busi-ness is done._Have-n't you heard of knock-ing?_What do you want?_That all you got? I can take it._I'm start-ing to re-mem-ber a lit-tle some-thing._You can't bribe me!_I won't talk!_Ah, now I re-mem-ber. That's Loki, though I doubt that's his real name. Some-times I have pack-ages for him and oth-er times he has pack-ages for me. My su-pe-ri-ors keep him busy. All I know is he can get me what I want when I want._That's all I know._You should go._Argh! Stu-pid chi-cken!_Hel-lo!_Shut up and come qui-et-ly._We're to take you dead or alive._You must be here to play my chi-cken kick-ing game! Many peo-ple tell me that I've in-ven-ted a great sport. Come, step through the door be-hind me to play. Oh, let me get out of your way._Walk through the next door to play. It's re-al-ly easy. The rules of the game are in-side, pos-ted up on a clip-board. You can't miss it._Go on! Go play the chi-cken kick-ing game._Come play again any time._No one gets in or out with-out per-mis-sion._I see._Guten tag!_What the…_You! Play WAR with me! I chal-lenge and you will play!_Stop fol-low-ing me._I… um… I am NOT fol-low-ing you! You will play War with Gunther!_Good. Good. We play._BAD-GERS IN THE TROU-SERS! ARGH!!_I WIN! HAHA-HAHA! I WIN!_*grum-ble* I spit on your shoe! [spit]_What are you doing here? You're not al-lowed here!_I'm look-ing for Loki._Oh… I'm sor-ry. I have-n't seen him to-day._Loki said you could help me get out of here. What can you tell me?_Well, the en-tran-ces and ex-its are blocked off. You may be able to get out through the Square -- it's down the road but heav-i-ly guar-ded. You'll need a per-mit, of course, but Loki should be able to get you one._Now, if you'll ex-cuse me. I have to be on my way._OK… let's try that again._Uhum… so, has Loki drop-ped by to-day?_Not to-day. He comes and goes as he pleas-es._Right. But he had some-thing for me to pick up._Oh, it's you? I was ex-pec-ting a sol-dier. Sure, I have the pack-age! Here you go [gives note]_Thanks! When you see him, tell him BJ said hel-lo._Sure thing. Why don't you take a cou-ple bot-tles for the road. Any friend of Loki's is a friend of mine._Thanks again! *grin*_Now, if you don't mind, I have to lock up and clean this mess._Go on. Get go-ing._Note Reads: All re-ques-ted items will be in Castle Wolf-en-stein by to-mor-row mor-ning. --Loki|[You crum-ple and toss the note af-ter read-ing it.]_Blazkowicz, over here! We can patch you up with these Health Packs if you need it. The road be-tween here and the next town is heav-ily guarded, but I've got a car --- I can smug-gle you through.  HUR-RY!_Relax and leave the driv-ing to me._You got 2 bot-tles of scotch_Closed!_You of-fered a bribe_Whoa!!_That's a dan-ger-ous fall._Small clay fi-gure_Gir-ly ma-ga-zine_One glass eye_Den-tures___Paderborn_Re-lease Henk and Logan from pri-son._Loot-ed Book-shelf_This Pri-son is for hold-ing pur-pos-es only. Pri-son-ers are ship-ped out eve-ry Mon-day._Sup-plies are off lim-its to non-mil-i-tar-y per-son-nel._These sup-plies are to be ship-ped to Castle Wolf-en-stein._Send these toi-lets to the To-wer right away. The To-wer's toi-lets have been ripped out. This is a rush de-liv-ery!_To Com-pound_To Sew-ers_George_Sci-en-tist_Tra-der Moe_Ci-vil-ian_Frank_Logan_Henk_Please, leave me alone. I don't want to go to pri-son!_I'm not here to take you to pri-son._You're… not? Then… why are you here?_Just need some an-swers._I… I don't know much about an-y-thing. I don't think I can help you._I just need to know the way to Castle Wolf-en-stein. Can you tell me that?_Oh, you don't want to go there. I don't think it's a good idea._Let me de-cide that. Can you help me?_My friends got sent to pri-son to-day. If they were here, I know they'd be able to help. Those guys know the area bet-ter than an-y-one._Where's this pri-son. If what you're say-ing is true, I'll set them free._You'll set them free? That would be won-der-ful. Thank you for help-ing my friends. The pri-son's easy to find; it has a torch and a pos-ted sign by the en-trance. Look for Henk and Logan. Tell them you're Frank's friend… Frank, that's me. They'll help you._I should get out of here. Thank you sir! Thank you for my friends… and good luck._You must be the one Loki's been tell-ing me about. Loki told me to give you these. He says to use them well and not to dis-ap-point him. He'll be wait-ing for you in Castle Wolf-en-stein._No trades un-til you are done fight-ing._Hel-lo! You look like you're new in town! If you have some-thing to trade I'd be hap-py to strike a bar-gain._What can you give me for this?_WOW! Nice gold gob-let! Well, I don't have much… but this de-serves a de-cent trade. Tell you what, I'll give you a few day's sup-plies and toss in a cou-ple of sy-rin-ges. These sy-rin-ges come in han-dy when you're not feel-ing well. Just got them in._You got a deal._That's all I have._Halt!_Time to close shop!_We'll need to see your pa-pers. Come with me!_Don't think so._What?! Halt!_What's your name?_I'm Logan. What's it to you?_Mind your man-ners and I may get you out. Where's Henk?_Why should I trust you?_Frank sent me._Frank… sent you? You're here to help us?_That's what I said. I don't have much time. Where's Henk and how do I get you out?_Right! I'm sor-ry. Henk is in the next cell but you'll have to pull the lev-er down the oth-er hall to get us free. There's a guard there… he's armed… and mean._Be right back._The lev-er is down the hall._Please let us out._Thank you! Is there an-y-thing I can do to re-turn the fa-vor?_Can you tell me how to get to Castle Wolf-en-stein with-out go-ing through the en-tire German mil-i-tary in this camp?_The only way is through the sew-ers. The sew-ers lead you straight into the castle… but strange things are go-ing on in there. Se-cu-ri-ty is air tight. I would-n't go up there if I were you. Once you get in, you won't be able to get out._I just need to know how to get in. How do I get to the sew-ers from here?_Follow the road and keep your eyes peeled for moss and vines grow-ing over things. That's your hint that you're close to the wa-ter and sew-age. Thank you for help-ing us… I wish you well._Come qui-et-ly._*sigh*_You're not go-ing an-y-where!_Some-one's in here…_Al-right! I'll be out in a min-ute._*grum-ble* I thought I told you… HEY!_This is as far as I can take you._Find your way to Castle Wolf-en-stein…_I'll meet you there._I didn't catch your name._I'm Keen. Com-man-der Keen._Your ap-pear-ance here has got-ten the whole Axis chain of com-mand in a pan-ic. Their en-er-gies are fo-cused on Castle Wolfenstein. The road from here back to the com-pound is a cake walk, so sit back and relax.  I'll drive._Relax and leave the driv-ing to me.__Sewers_RE-MIND-ER|You can save your game at any time. Press the "0" key to open the menu and se-lect "Save Game."_To The Keep_To Paderborn_Dr. Schabbs_Of-fi-cer Abendroth_Loot-ed Book-shelf_Need Gold Key_Just set them there._OK, let's get go-ing._We need to move a lot more stuff down here._I'll get more troops to help move._Bring the lad-der, we'll need it else-where._Hey, la-dies. We seem to be alone for now._The sew-ers stink, but you smell great…_Ouch! Was that re-al-ly called for?_Hey, who are you?!|We've got an in-tru-der!_What is all the noise… oh, you are not one of my men._Tsk, tsk… an-oth-er rat in-fest-ing the sew-ers._Halt the pro-ce-dure!_We have a test cham-ber breach!_Hold on! It's the Amer-i-can!_Per-fect! Lock the doors!_Re-lease test sub-ject 34B!_NO! That's not pos-sible!_Re-lease test sub-ject 34C!_Wait… the hoist is jammed!_IT'S GO-ING TO GIVE WAY!_AHHHH! NO! MY CRE-AT-ION!_You will pay for this, Al-lied dog!_I can't get enough of these Romance books._What was that? Ack!_Voice 1: Did you hear about what she is doing?_Voice 2: Who?_Voice 1: Marianna you fool!_Voice 2: Oh, yeah… I heard she was ga-ther-ing chi-ckens and… guinea pigs._Voice 1: Well, let's keep mov-ing. We have more tun-nels to pa-trol and we need to get the key to the lower part of the castle._Marianna will tear you apart!_I'll look for-ward to it._We will fight un-til her re-turn!||Die blas-phem-er!_That door is not sup-posed to be un-locked un-less…_You are not…_Marianna has been ex-pec-ting you._I will bring her your head!_What can I say, la-dies love me._Ob-tain the key to un-lock the door that leads into the lower castle._Knock Knock!_Hey! Help me get out of here! The lev-er's on your left._Tell me what's go-ing on here._They've been cre-at-ing Su-per Sol-diers. Their ar-mor is ex-treme-ly dif-fi-cult to pe-ne-trate… they're so strong… they've en-gi-neered kill-ing mon-sters!_Eve-ry-one has a weak-ness._Please let me out._Please let me out. The lev-er's right next to you._Se-date him!_Get him!_Humm. Sounds like some-thing's an-gry._Very an-gry._This can't be good._Blazkowicz. I've heard a great deal about you._I'm glad you've made it in one piece…_I would-n't want to spoil the fun._La-dies!_YOU LIT-TLE TICK!_I WILL SQUASH YOU!_Hmm… won-der if I have a snip-er ri-fle?_What?!_Marianna! Are you Okay?_DE-STROY HIM, YOU FOOLS!__The Keep_To Sew-ers_To Harbinger_Un-dead hold-ing:||The hold-ing gates shall not be opened with-out pro-per per-mis-sion.||--Gen-er-al Tooknap_Loot-ed Book-shelf_You of-fered a bribe_Out of the way!_I must see to my pretties!_Oh! My gorgeous cre-at-ions!_Come here! Come to your creator!_Wait! What are you doing?!?!_NOOOOO!!!_*Sigh* Will they ever learn?_ARGHH! My ears! That's one heck of a scream!_Ahhhhh! There you are!_Loki._I'd like to say I'm disappointed that you made it this far, but I'd be lying if I did._Get out of my way._Of course. It's not our time. Just try to stay alive… there are things here you don't un-der-stand, and I need you alive, for now._You know I have to take you down._*laughs* Pa-tience B.J. There is a time and place for eve-ry-thing. Good bye… for now._Get in line!_You've been trained to serve the Axis…_I have trained you my-self._You will fight, and we will be vic-tor-i-ous!_Get back in line!_I see you need more train-ing._Back into your room! March!_This should be in-ter-est-ing…_Kill him my pets!_You! Ske-le-ton! Go a-round be-hind him!_This doesn't look good._Just a few screws miss-ing._Oh, these guys again._Oooo…kay._Got-cha!_I'm glad to see you made it._I guess it's time._We won't need weap-ons like these…_Or these…_Your weap-ons are up in that crate._Would-n't be a fair fight if you had those,_Now would it?_Now, let's see how good you re-al-ly are!_Looks like I'll need a lit-tle some-thing to help._Anger Syringe… that should do it!_Ahhhh, that's good!_I'M BACK!_Hmmm… wonder what's in those crates._Loki uses Anger Syringe!_Loki uses a Healthpack!_I can still beat you!_Another round of health should do it._YOU ARE GOING DOWN!_I un-der-es-ti-mat-ed you Blazkowicz._You're bet-ter than I thought…_We'll have a rematch some oth-er time!_That was close… He almost had me._You got all your items_I prob-a-bly should-n't for-get my weap-ons up in that crate._Halt!__Harbinger_RE-MIND-ER|You can save your game at any time. Press the "0" key to open the menu and se-lect "Save Game."_To The Keep_Of-fi-cer Abendroth_Loot-ed Book-shelf_Find a Gold Key to open the Gold Door._You again! Grrrr… I can never be left alone to read my romance novels!_Ser-geant B.J. Blazkowicz. Seems you've been mak-ing a lot of trou-ble for us._So I have._Loki said not to un-der-es-ti-mate you… but it seems that Loki should have lis-tened to his own ad-vice. *chuck-le*_You and I are alike in many ways B.J. In an-oth-er time and place, we could have been very good friends._I doubt it. You're wast-ing my time._Ahhh, a man of ac-tion. Yes, let's not waste time. I have a prop-o-si-tion for you… one that will make you very rich. You've rid me of my spy so I'm in need of a new one. Do we un-der-stand one an-oth-er?_*yawn* I hear trai-tors and low lives un-der-stand each oth-er so I can see why Loki and you got along well. You and me? Nope, not gon-na work. I'm let-ting you down gent-ly. You're not my type._*scowls* Have it your way._Can we please move these dis-gust-ing un-dead beasts out of this stor-age area? I know they're sup-posed to be 'trained,' but they're not help-ing at all!_I've had enough of this!_Dr. Schabbs, what on Earth is the point of these foul, well, fowl? Please get rid of them!_My pets… a morsel has dropped by just for you!_Have fun!_They're tampering with Hell. Hell itself! It's the har-bing-er of DOOM!!_*Mutters re-li-gious phrases*_THEY TOOK MY CARDS! They took poor Gunther's cards! *sniffle*_I can-not play WAR… they took my cards. *sniffle*_Sur-plus wa-ter that hasn't been blessed should be dumped into the cistern through the door on your right. The door on the left is off lim-its to all unauthorized per-sonn-el._You should just get out of here while you can._Doesn't hurt. They beat me regularly around here. I prac-ti-cal-ly ex-pect it now._Mmmm… yeah… let me have it!_You of-fered a bribe_Gen-er-ous. Thank you. Here's a tid bit of information for you… a high--ranking of-fi-cer went into the cistern room for some wa-ter and nev-er came out. He has the gold key so if he doesn't show up, we're stuck here. Like I said, get out while you can._You don't have an-y-thing I want._Just leave me alone now. I've got enough wor-ries of my own._Just come on in. We'll talk._Need Gold Key_You are not pre-pared for what waits for you._We know how the last fight went… you really want a re-match so soon?_I want a re-match but not now. You can't sur-vive what they've unleashed. Only a holy object has a chance against this abom-i-na-tion. You won't survive this._I'll take my chances._Predictable to the last. Well, when you get beat nearly to death, may-be you'll smarten up and get out of there. Consider what I said._Here's some health packs, you're going to need it._IM-POR-TANT! Only Holy Wa-ter must be put into the moat! Unblessed wa-ter needs to be stored in the cistern on the floor be-low._What the…?!_Holy cow!_I told you it was go-ing to be tough. These Axis fools have been dabbling in the oc-cult for years. Your one chance is to find The Spear of Destiny. It's the only way you can defeat it. I hope to have my re-match someday. Till then, fare-well… and good luck._No one keeps Gunther held for long. You're a good person for playing WAR with Gunther so I have something for you. I won it and hid it before they caught me, but it's tearing my trou-sers. You take it. I'm off to find my cards!_So long!_Please don't kill me! I'm not responsible for it. Please, just let me go._*confused* You won't kill me? Well… I guess I can help you then. Here, take this Tes-la Gun. It's the only thing that seems to have any effect on it. This gun is experimental… be careful. I can't do anything to stop it but maybe you can. I should go be-fore they find out I helped you._WAIT WAIT! Here, take this gun. It's the only thing that seems to have any effect on it. Please, don't hurt me… they'll kill me if they find out I gave this to you. I need to go be-fore they find out._Ieeee!!_You are not one of them. *growls* So, are you my entertainment or my meal?_What the…_Hahaha… entertainment then._Ahhh, I was hoping you would return. Let's make this last a bit longer, shall we?_Tsk, tsk, I see you've got a new toy. *chuckles* Put that away. You'll hurt yourself._I think I'll keep it. I've grown fond of it._Have it your way child. You bore me. Perhaps my pets will have more fun with you than I._You dare to defy ME! You insignificant HUMAN! I WILL TEAR THE MEAT FROM YOUR BONES!_NO! *GRRRR* I will find your blood! Your descendants will pay! I--WILL--BE--BACK! NOOO!!_Hello!__Test Map
