The Darkening Episode 1: The Nameless Project is a megawad for Doom II that contains twenty-two maps, split equally between single and multiplayer. It was released on January 7, 1999. A sequel, The Darkening Episode 2, was released the following year.
- MAP01: Scary
- MAP02: Bloody Hell
- MAP03: Entropia
- MAP04: Relentless
- MAP05: Hand of Doom
- MAP06: The Mines of Death
- MAP07: Dead Simple 2
- MAP08: Discordia
- MAP09: Military Complex
- MAP10: Under Earth
- MAP11: Stone Tyrant
- MAP12: The Spine of Evil
- MAP13: Devil's Dungeon
- MAP14: Fragmentation/Quake DM
- MAP15: Relentless until death
- MAP16: Sulphur
- MAP17: Return to the Realms
- MAP18: Valley of the Lost
- MAP19: Vertigo
- MAP20: Interrogation Central
- MAP21: Death awaits 6-feet Under Earth
- MAP22: Stone Tyrant
See also[]
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