Doom Wiki
E1 Text screen

The text screen from the end of Knee-Deep in the Dead.

In the Doom games and derivatives a text screen is a screen that presents the player with part of the game's story in text form. The text is typed out sequentially, character after character, over a background made from a repeating flat, while music plays. A text screen appears either at the end of an episode (as in Doom), or after a series of levels (as in Doom II). The text screen is followed by a picture in Doom, while in Doom II it precedes a level except in the last case, where it is followed by the cast sequence.

Doom II has text screens before Levels 7, 12, 21, and at the very end(See below), as well as before both secret levels (which are played after Level 15). Both episodes of Final Doom operate exactly the same way, as they were originally alternate Doom II PWADs. The same music is used for all of these text screens, with the exception of those of TNT: Evilution (which uses an original, four-second track for each text screen,) and was re-used for the twenty-first level of Plutonia.

Heretic uses a similar setup as Doom, but Hexen displays a full-screen picture instead of patterning a flat. Strife, on the other hand, does not use text screens at all, instead using a system of slide shows with voice overs to narrate the story after certain key events.

DOOM II TEXT SCREENS: Level 7:you have entered deeply into the infested starport. But something is wrong. The monsters have brought their own reality with them,and the starports technology is being subverted by their presence. Ahead you see an outpost of hell. A fortified zone. If you can get past it you can penetrate into the haunted heart of the star base and find the controlling switch which holds Earth's population hostage.

Level 12:You have won! Your victory has enabled humanity to evacuate the Earth and escape the nightmare. Now you are the only human left on the face of the planet, cannibal mutations,carnivorous aliens,and evil spirits are your only neighbors. You sit back and wait for death, content that you have saved your species. But then Earth control beams down a message from space:"sensors have located the source of the alien invasion. If you go there you may be able to block their entry. The enemy base is in the heart of your own home city,not far from the starport." Slowly and painfully you get up and return to the fray.

Level 21:You are at the corrupt heart of the city. Sorrounded by the corpses of your enemies. You see no way to destroy the creatures entryway on this side so you clench your teeth and plunge through it.

Level 30:the horrendous visage of the biggest demon you have ever seen crumbles before you. After you pump your rockets into his exposed brain, the monster shrivels up and dies, it's thrashing limbs devasting untold miles of Hell's surface. You've done it. The invasion is over. Earth is saved Hell is a wreck. you wonder where bad folks go when they die now. Wiping the sweat from your forehead you begin the long trek home. Rebuilding Earth ought to be a lot more fun than wrecking it was.

See also
