Monsters List Confusion[]
I have watched Doom Eternal gameplay on Google Stadia and I'm kinda confused about the enemies' codex Zombie Earth, Soldier Shield and Soldier Blaster, I'm sure the Soldier Shield and Soldier Blaster are Former Humans
Stormourner (talk) 13:18, May 26, 2019 (UTC)Stormourner
A New Monster[]
I found a new monster called the Gladiator but I didn't find its appearance.
Stormourner (talk) 08:38, June 20, 2019 (UTC)Stormourner
Updating the page post-release[]
Greetings, once the game is released, will the page's release date update for each region? Or is the game going to release internationally all at once on November 22, 2019?
My apologies if this question seems redundant.
Baronovflames (talk) 00:23, September 25, 2019 (UTC)
Designing DOOM Eternal's New & Classic Demons[]
This video is quite detailed about those enemies in the game.
Plot holes... Plot holes everywhere...[]
First of all, I like Doom 2016/Eternal's gameplay, but the story just doesn't make sense. It feels like nonsense sometimes. There are so many things left unanswered or just forgotten.
- How did the Betrayer and other Night Sentinels come to Immora without using the Gate of Divum?
- The Father contains Davoth inside a life sphere, but doesn't destroy the life sphere. Instead, he places it in the Temple of Souls for Doomguy. And why can't Maykrs retrieve a life sphere themselves?
- In case Jekkad (Hell) becomes a threat to Urdak again, the Father orders to be hidden in the Temple of Souls which is IN THE MIDDLE OF HELL! Wasn't there a safer place? And why is he hiding like a coward?
- Who is the Wretch? Betrayer? We still don't know.
- Where did the Elemental Wraiths come from? Are they related to Maykrs? Never explained.
- Demons put Doomguy into a sarcophagus instead of killing him. Why?
- Why did Doomguy leave the Crucible on the body of the Titan in Taras Nabad when he killed it? Did he just forget it there?
- At the end of Doom 64 Doomguy decides to stay in Hell with limited ammo. Good luck!
- Luminarium is a place where you cannot kill. Why don't you use that feature in other areas of Urdak?
- Doomguy's new suit leaves his arms exposed. How did he survive in the vacuum of space when he was going to Mars?
- Hell and Urdak are depicted as just alternate dimensions instead of afterlife destinations. So what happens to good guys and bad guys when they die? What happens to their souls? Reincarnation? Oblivion?
- Doomguy resurrects Davoth instead of destroying his life sphere for some reason.
- It is unknown why Davoth and Doomguy look identical.
- How did the Betrayer live for millennia after he exiled himself in Hell?
- And one more thing: We still have no idea how Doomguy came to Argent D'Nur in the first place. He was stranded in Hell at the end of Doom 64. How did that happen?
Well, I think Doom is better without so much lore and story.
Ancient Gods Part 2[]
Is it just me, or is anyone else disappointed with the sudden plot twist and ending? I mean, so the Dark Lord is the actual Creator of the Universe? Why bring that up near the end of the game? It practically ruins the entire plot shown through the game. The Father and the Dark Lord were developed characters already, no need for the last minute change. Instead, why not just focus on the Wraiths instead? I mean, they were such a major figure through Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal, and yet we barely learn anything else about them.