The Siphon Grenade is a grenade that leeches health away from enemies to replenish the thrower, first acquired in the level Lazarus Labs.
The Siphon Grenade was designed to work with the Doom Marine's Praetor suit - specifically to make use of the Argent receptors found in the gloves and chest plates.
The grenade has 3 stages. When primed, the grenade releases a positively charged particle field around itself and the operator's hand. Then, when the grenade is released and explodes it releases a negatively charged particle field, over a distance of a few meters. The negatively charged particles attract Argent plasma from any demon caught in the radius, tearing the plasma from their cells. Finally, the positively charged Praetor, suit then attracts the negatively charged Argent cloud, and gathers the plasma. This siphons energy back into the suit, partially healing the Doom Marine. – Decoded Entry.
Tactical Analysis[]
It creates a short-duration dome-shaped field which deals damage-over-time to all enemies within it, with all such damage being transferred over as health. It is an equipment item, and recharges after use.
When combined with the Equipment Power Rune, the rate of health restoration is increased and the Siphon Grenade gains the ability to fill up the Slayer's armor once health is fully replenished. This makes it extremely valuable when combined with the Rich Get Richer Rune, and far more effective in combination with this Rune than using Armored Offensive.