Doom Wiki

Sergeant Kelly after his demonic conversion, Sabaoth

Welcome to the mess hall, Marine.

- Sabaoth

SPOILER WARNING: Plot details follow.

Sabaoth is actually Sergeant Kelly after his transformation. Its lower extremities have been transformed into a tanklike vehicle, while the upper portion is a twisted body attached to a heavy machinery armed with a very sharp claw and a BFG.

The reason for his "incident" still remains uncertain. While some affirm he was working with Betruger and the demons since the beginning (substantiated by the fact that he insisted in contacting the Earth armada to bring them to Mars, maybe knowing it would be taken over by the demons), others think he was captured, mind-enslaved and transformed by Betruger to serve him, and that his zealous attempts at contacting the fleet to get reinforcements were simply basic military logic (realizing that the battle is lost without reinforcements).

Tactical Analysis

Sabaoth is a large target with tons of hit points and enough firepower to topple even the hardiest marine. This is why he is the perfect reason to save up on BFG ammo.

Without a BFG, the suggested route involves running and gunning, avoiding both Sabaoth's claw and BFG shots. Rapid fire weapons such as the chaingun and plasma gun are good alternatives to the BFG 9000 as are well placed rocket shots.

You can also hit it with the Soul Cube, if it's charged, and that about 4 or 5 rockets. This was accomplished in Marine difficulty level.

Note that in Doom 3, the BFG actually shoots a microchip that detonates to eliminate only enemy units, meaning that a quick shot with a decent weapon can destroy the chip before it detonates and take away health with it. Also note that the beam that fires the BFG chip will also harm players in its way.

Getting close to the Sabaoth is unwise considering his claw and the unconfirmed possibility of running the doomguy over with his tank treads.


The word "Sabaoth" is Hebrew for "armies".

Sabaoth bears a strong similarity to the style of cyborg enemies (especially the tanks) seen in Quake 2.
