Doom Wiki

Odamex is a modified Doom source port based on csDoom (itself based on ZDoom 1.22) for wide range of platforms, including Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, MacOSX, Solaris and even the Microsoft Xbox. It has been designed to allow client/server-based Doom gameplay over the Internet and LAN.

It currently supports the traditional old-school style of Deathmatch and a Cooperative mode, but it also includes other game modes such as Teamplay and Capture the Flag. It also supports an array of editing features, including the BOOM map format, DeHackEd and BEX patch support and support for several additional music formats, such as MOD and OGG.


Odamex uses a client/server based architecture inherited from csDoom and improved upon in many ways, utilizing things such as a network compression among others. Odamex is also the only GNU/GPL licensed true client/server port available.


The included launcher is specifically designed for Odamex and is built with wxWidgets. It allows the user to receive a list of running Odamex servers from the master servers (Odamex utilizes more than one master), and lets them join a game simply by selecting the server on which they wish to play. In addition to the main launcher there is also another launcher built with SDL and Agar called "ag-odalaunch." ag-odalaunch was made for the Xbox port to have a launcher but can be compiled on other operating systems where SDL and Agar are available as well.

Unlike the ZDaemon launcher, the Odamex launcher does not include a "lobby" in which players can chat and there are no plans to include one at this time.


Odamex's first official version, 0.1a, was released on January 19, 2007. However, the project had been unofficially in development since 2005, when the first build of Odamex's precursor titled Zwango was built.

The Odamex team[]



External link[]
