Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map. Sector numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally.
The crushing ceilings indicated by the bold danger signs which are used to hinder the player later in the map can be utilized in combat. It is very effective to use the Super Shotgun to propel the cacodemons into the crushing ceilings. The crushing ceilings hanging over seperated columns that the player must leap across is UAC Ultra's most grueling natural obstacle. The best way to get past it is to stand under the crushers as they are lowering, and leap across just before you get crushed so that you land on the edge of the next pillar after the crusher has gone below the players height to avoid getting caught under it.
The design of this map had taken step-by-step development in which almost every other room was either Jon Vail's mapping or Super Jamie's mapping. The two mapper's repeatedly passed the map back and forth working on it bit by bit until it was a suitable length to give it an exit.