This map features half-and-half development. The first half of the map was created by Jon Vail. Everything beyond the door that was activated by the floor switch and beyond the yellow key door was created by Super Jamie. The room beyond the yellow door was added shortly before the release of UAC Ultra. Its shape is a homage to the room with the armor in DoomE1M1: Hangar.
In the room beyond the yellow door, if you look out the window to the north, you can see Daisy's impaled head on the mountainous terrain, as seen in the ending of Inferno.
On linedef 717, the computer terminal has some computer monitors on it. The one in the top left corner reads "Watchmaker" in orange letters. This is a reference to Watchmaker, one of Jon Vail's many favorite bands. Just under that monitor, is another one with a white symbol. The symbol is an inverted peace sign which is the logo of the band Trash Talk and is also the album art of Trash Talk's self-titled album. On Linedef 712, the computer monitor has red text that is difficult to read, but in its original font size it reads "take control-- the only control-- you'll ever have--" before it resized to fit in the computer's screen. This is a lyrical reference to the song "Pulling Teeth" by the band Left For Dead which is one of Jon Vail's many favorite bands. The song is in their only album: "Splitting Heads" These same computer monitors can be found in many other locations in UAC Ultra.