Doom Wiki
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quicken Makes player immune to damage ("God mode").
ponce Sets health to 100%.
kitty No clipping (the player can walk through walls, characters, and obstacles, climb high ledges instantly, and pass through items and across all tagged linedefs with no effect.
rambo Gives all weapons and full ammo.
ravskel Gives all keys.
gimme## The code is followed by a letter (a-j) and a number (1-9). The letter defines which item is given, the number the amount of items given. The letters and corresponding items are:
shazam Gives and activates the Tome of Power.
engage## Warps to level E#M#.
ravmap First time: full automap (reveals unexplored areas).

Second time: full automap with items and enemies.

Third time: back to normal.

massacre Kills all monsters.
ravpic Type at the title screen: makes the F1 key take screenshots instead of displaying the in-game help.
ticker Toggles ticks-per-frame counter.
noise Toggles sound debug.
cockadooledoo Turns the player into a chicken.
iddqd Kills the player.
idkfa Removes all weapons and ammo the player is carrying.

See also
