Eternal Doom is a 32-level megawad originally released in 1996. Initially developed by a group known as Team Eternal, it was later acquired and worked on by TeamTNT. It features arguably the largest levels ever designed for vanilla Doom.
There were three releases of the project, each one adding new levels. The final release, Eternal Doom III, was released on November 14th, 1997; this release moved MAP15: Halls of Disarray to MAP32.
The soundtrack was composed by Rich Nagel on a Creative Wave Blaster.
First "episode":
- MAP01: Genesis by Alex Mayberry
- MAP02: Tower of Hell by Adam Landefeld
- MAP03: Inter-Base by Dietmar Westerteicher
- MAP04: Nucleus by Sverre Kvernmo
- MAP05: Time Gate by Sverre Kvernmo
- MAP06: Pathos by Alex Mayberry
Second "episode":
- MAP07: The Abbey by Paul Schmitz
- MAP08: Woodhead by Dietmar Westerteicher
- MAP09: Forlorn Fortress by Christopher Couleur
- MAP10: Crimson Tide by Kathy and David Bruni
- MAP11: Dawn of the Dead by Christopher Couleur
Third "episode":
- MAP12: Darkdome by Sverre Kvernmo
- MAP13: Drop 'Em!1 by Dietmar Westerteicher
- MAP14: Pistol Only1 by Dietmar Westerteicher
- MAP15: Celebration of Evil2 by Adam Landefeld
- MAP16: Guardstation1 by Adam Landefeld
- MAP17: The Crypt1 by Dietmar Westerteicher
- MAP18: Stands1 by Dave Brachman
- MAP19: Warheros1 by Christopher Couleur
- MAP20: Silures1 by Bob Evans
Final "episode":
- MAP21: Fire and Stone1 by Adam Landefeld
- MAP22: The Seeker1 by Christopher Couleur
- MAP23: Time Gate II1 by Dietmar Westerteicher
- MAP24: Rainbow Bridge1 by Christopher Couleur
- MAP25: Beginner's End1 by Jim Flynn
- MAP26: No Parking1 by Jim Flynn
- MAP27: Paldorian2 by Dave Brachman
- MAP28: Timeslip2 by Paul Schmitz
- MAP29: Dominion2 by Christopher Couleur
- MAP30: Excalibur2 by Bob Evans
Secret levels:
- MAP31: Monster Mansion2 by Jim Flynn
- MAP32: Halls of Disarray3 by Matt Bollier
Bonus levels:
- MAP33: CyberSweeper2 by Jim Flynn
- MAP34: Credits4 by Dietmar Westerteicher and Ty Halderman
- Added in Eternal Doom II.
- Added in Eternal Doom III.
- Added in Eternal Doom II as MAP15, and later moved to MAP32 in Eternal Doom III.
- Added in Eternal Doom II as MAP27, and later turned into a standalone bonus level for Eternal Doom III.
See also[]
External links[]
- TeamTNT Home Page
- Eternal Doom website
- Eternal Doom
- Eternal Doom demos @ The DooMed Speed Demos Archive
- Eternal Doom Level Reviews