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All Doom 3 cheat codes are activated by typing them into the console. The console can be opened by pressing the Ctrl, Alt and Tilde (~) keys simultaneously.

Cheat codes

god Makes the player immune to damage ("God mode").
noclip No clipping (the player can move through walls, characters and obstacles).
give all Gives all weapons with full ammo and fills health and armor.
pm_thirdperson 0/1 Turns third person view on/off
give keys Gives keys
clearlights Only light in the game is your flashlight
give all Gives you every weapon, full ammo, etc.
give beserk Enables beserk
give_weapon(type weapon) g=Gives you the listed weapon
clear Clears console screen
kill Kill yourself
pm_crouchspeed### Defines how fast you are when you crouch
pm_runspees### Defines how fast you run
pm_walkspeed### Defines how fast you walk
pm_noclipspeed### Defines how fast you are with "no clip" on
pm_jumpheight### Defines how high you jump
bind x give/spawn_(what you want) Type either give or spawn or a on/off cheat code (god, noclip, etc)
testlight Makes a new light

There are many others, but i see these really usuful
