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Advanced Research Complex is the eighth level of the new Doom reboot. The mission involving this map is "A Brighter Tomorrow."

There are ten secrets, three Elite Guards, one Field Drone, two Argent Cells, and two Rune Trials located in this level. The BFG 9000 is acquired in this level.

In-Game Description

Advanced Research Complex

Construction of the Advanced Research Complex was completed in MTC 2136. This vast state-of-the-art research, design and production center uses cutting-edge technology and fabrication techniques to prototype everything from robotic to weaponry to subspace communications systems. The building security, life support, and day to day are almost entirely managed by VEGA, the Argent civilities in-house Artificial Intelligence mainframe. Due to the highly sensitive nature of the research conducted in the ARC, the entire superstructure is essentially a Faraday cage to prevent any unauthorized communications beyond its walls.

The ARC is the birthplace of several breakthrough study fields, including BFG development, teleportation research and cybernetic augmentation. This bastion of advanced thought attracts the brightest minds in the scientific community, and is considered humanity's "brain-trust".

Tier 3 Manifest

Welcome, Tier 3 advocates. You have elevated yourself to the next level of thinking. Your previous notions have been cleansed by science, and you see things now as they truly are. The true power of Argent Energy, under the stewardship of the UAC, will drive us the next age of mankind. No more secret, no more hiding. Your journey towards the final Tier begins now.

Our understanding of pandimensional existence grows each day. As we begin to realize the true power that flows from Hell, we are charged into something far greater than we ever thought possible. Your life as a Tier 3 advocate is more than just the work you preform. Spiritual understanding of who we are and what we are meant to become grows with each artifact you catalogue, with each weapon you prototype, and each heretic you convert. The FEAR of Hell is seen for what it really is: False Emotions Appearing Real.

You have opened your mind.

Samuel Hayden's office building is, in some ways, more disturbing and surreal than the previous UAC levels. Doomguy pulls into the building's station on a working tram, the station is brightly-lit, and the initial impression is of a return to normalcy. But while the building itself remains somewhat operational, and appears more functional than the much darker buildings earlier in the game, and not heavily damaged and in flames like the Argent Facility, it is still in lockdown, all personnel are dead or Possessed, and has demonic infestations that the Doomguy must fight through just like the rest of the facility. Samuel Hayden is holed up in his office on the second floor of this building. But while he's the only human in the building, he's a cyborg, with a robotic body.

Technically speaking, the Advanced Research Complex is the second building in this level that the Marine explores after meeting with Hayden, and where he gets the BFG9000.


  • Bottle Opener - Perform 5 "Screw Top" glory kills on The Possessed (attack lower right leg or head from behind).
  • Double Take - Interact with 2 Rune Trial Stones.
  • Hide and Seek - Find 2 Collectibles.